Sunday, December 31, 2006

By Dick Evans

As we start this New Year, I believe we should reevaluate relationship.

Relationship is defined in Encarta as a significant connection or similarity between two or more things, or the state of being related to something else. As Christians, we speak about our relationship with God. Those who consider themselves to be born again, say their walk with Christ is not about religion, it is about relationship.

With this in mind, it does not matter which religious group we belong to; what brick and mortar church building we attend each week. What matters is our personal relationship with Christ, our walk with Him each day. Church is the body of Christ; the gathering of two or more believers.

Some believe their relationship with God is centered on time spent in “the Word”. By this they are referring to the Word of God, the Bible as we know it. They bicker back and forth as to translations to use and often refer back to the original text to accurately discover what the original author meant to say to his intended audience. Their relationship is with the Word of God.

Each book of the Bible was penned by man, inspired by God. However, are we not reading about another human being's relationship with God? I believe we are. As we read his book, we discover more about his relationship with God. In a similar way, as we read current day Christian literature and listen to sermons available in all forms, we receive further insight into the relationship those authors have with God.

What we should want is our own relationship with the living God. Yes, we are to be in the Word daily. The Word is Christ, He is in us, and we are in Him. Is reading the Bible the same as being in Him? I do not think so. I believe one way God speaks to us today is through His written Word. It does not matter which translation we use. He knows and will direct us to the scripture pertinent to our situation for today. Be it NIV, NLT, KJV, NASB, NKJV, or any other, He knows how to communicate to us. He knows how to reveal to us a Word for today, a Word to guide us, to instruct us, to comfort us, or to encourage us.

I am not trying to tell you not to read and study the Bible. Nor am I inferring you should stop reading or listening to wisdom from other Christians; not at all. In all we do, God can bring revelation to us. He can take the worldly means of communication and point us to His truth.

Being religious is not bad unless it is a replacement for relationship with Jesus Christ. Daily reading of His word is necessary, but should not be mistaken as having that relationship. Reading other authors or listening to them is good, but is not a replacement for reading and studying His Word for you. He wants us to grow in Him. To do that we must communicate with Him; we speak to Him and listen to His answer. And always rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you into all Truth.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (NLT Hebrews 13:8 )

One annoying aspect of some web sites is the way other screens filled with ads pop up as you are working. Because of this nuisance, the latest browsers include a popup blocker feature. Often this eliminates some windows we really do want to pop up, so we have to learn how to turn the feature off and on.

Soon after Jesus left, new religions began to popup. They purported to be believers and followers of Jesus, but they added their own twist. Some differences had to do with their culture, and others from their previous pagan traditions. Encarta tells us religion is a set of strongly held beliefs, values, and attitudes one lives by. It also states that it is a particular institutionalized or personal system of beliefs and practices relating to the divine. We usually think of the institution. Catholicism is what we think of as the first organized Christian religion. Then years later, there was another popup, the protestant religion, and then one popup after another right up to today.

Jesus did not tell us to believe in an institution. He said we were to follow Him and be guided by the one He sent, the Holy Spirit. Man added the religious component. Jesus Christ is the same today as He was yesterday, and He will never change. We have to stop looking for the latest popup and go back to just listening to the Holy Spirit as we walk out each day.

When it comes to Windows or worship, we need to keep our popup blockers on.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Try to live in peace with everyone, and seek to live a clean and holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord. (NLT Hebrews 12:14)

Most outings include many competitive games to play. Usually found are horseshoes, volleyball, and often tug of war. The later is simply a rope. One team grabs an end and the other team grabs the other end. Both teams pull with all their might trying to cause the other team to fall or be dragged over a middle line.

It is easy to say you want to go to heaven, but not as easy to live a holy life. It is like that game of tug of war--the world on one side and our desire to follow Christ on the other.

We spent most our life on the other side. We know many of the team members and are even trying to convince them to switch sides. The activities they are into are the ones we always had fun with. Temptation is great to go back, if just for a little while. What could it hurt?

The choices we make do count. It is important for us to try to live in peace with everyone, and to try to live a clean and holy life.

Is going over to the other side worth the possibility of not seeing the Lord?

Friday, November 24, 2006

You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. (NLT Colossians 3:13)

Software companies work hard at the creation of new applications for us to enjoy. The biggest at this time is Microsoft and many of us use Windows and Office just about every day; some all day long. New versions are in the making and should hit the retails stores soon. In an effort to remove all the faults, beta versions have been available as free downloads for months. These versions admittedly contain faults and it is the job of the beta tester to use the product and report the issues as they occur.

Even after the new software is released to the general public, faults will be discovered. As they surface, fixes will be created and downloaded to our machines. An old term for these faults in programming is the computer bug. Fixing bugs requires patches and as an application gets older the patches pile up until a new version of the software is released.

Encarta defines fault as a personal shortcoming, a failing, or character weakness. Although it may be difficult to admit it, we all come with faults. Some of our faults came as part of our DNA or our original programming; the result of generations past. Others faults are the result of choices made in our past. Our character is made up of the original programming plus the patches applied over the years.

When we gave our life over to Jesus, we became born again and a new version of the programming was downloaded to us. However, the old version is still trying to remain active. It is as if we have a dual boot system with two operating systems trying to be in control. When we boot our computer, we have the choice of which operating systems boots. In our lives, we choose which program to run—the old man or the new.

The old man still has faults. We sometimes do not even recognize the faults in our self. We like who we have become and expect others to be just like us. Their faults bug us. Why do they have to be like that? But, it is okay for others to have faults. The Lord forgave us our sins, our faults, and we need to make allowance for others.

Which programming are you allowing to boot today?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

You are generous because of your faith. And I am praying that you will really put your generosity to work, for doing so you will come to an understanding of all the good things we can do for Christ. (NLT Philemon 1:6)

Paul wrote this letter to Philemon for the express purpose of encouraging Philemon to forgive his slave, who had run away. Philemon was a wealthy member of the Colossian church, which met in his house.

Paul begins by telling Philemon he is generous. Then he goes on to tell Philemon he must put that generosity to work. This can seem confusing. Is he or is he not generous?

Generosity is an attribute of Christ. When we become born again, we take on the attributes of Christ. That is, our new man has the attributes of Christ. I am generous because of who I am in Christ. This does not mean my earthly walk is evidence of that generosity.

The second sentence is the key. As we intentionally step out in faith, putting those attributes of Christ to work, we will take them on in the natural and come to an understanding of what we can do for Christ.

Paul is explaining to Philemon that as he chooses to become generous, he will become generous like Christ.

Faith is an action word. We must put our faith out in front of us; we must choose to use the attributes of Christ in our daily life knowing, in faith, that they are ours to use. As we are generous by choice, we become generous by nature.

As we walk in faith, we take on more of His attributes, and our character changes from that old man to the new man we really are--that born again child of God.
For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you. So I ask you to follow my example and do as I do. (NLT 1 Corinthians 4:15-16)

We have thousands of books and videos and programming to teach us all we could ever want to learn. But there is not one as worthwhile as the example someone we are in relationship with sets for us.

Show and tell is an exercise used in grade school. The students bring their favorite toy, a pet, or something else to class and share their excitement about this item. By showing someone else the love they have for that pet, another gets excited about having one of their own.

People do not become stronger Christians because of what we tell them. We must be an example in all we do and say. We teach by example.

Words by themselves can be taken the wrong way. Meant well, they might trigger some previous event in the receiver and take on an entirely different meaning. What we think should be projecting love might be sending a different message. As they see us show His love to others and to them, misinterpretation is less likely to occur. Instead of relying on past experiences to interpret, our example is creating new experiences for them.

Jesus was an example for all who followed Him and Paul an example for the gentiles. The Christ in us is that same example for all we are in relationship with. As we live our lives, we tell others by our words and our actions, about the living Jesus.

Be an example for someone you know today.?

Friday, November 03, 2006

Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days. (NLT Ephesians 5:16)

When we are rearing our children, we encourage them to do good by the words we say and by our expressions. They do not have to be rewarded with a special treat. It is our genuine praise they treasure more any physical things.

The same is true with our pets. Our dog treasures the touches she receives from us and feels good when we tell her she is a good dog. She does good because she knows it pleases us.

There are many opportunities for us to do good every day. How about slowing down and letting that car merge in front of you instead of speeding past them. Next time you see someone waiting to walk across the street, stop and let them go even if there is no one coming behind you. Open the door for the person behind you at the market and let the person with one or two items get ahead at the checkout line, and do it with a smile.

Do it because you can, because you know you should do good every day. The opportunities are there, all we have to do is grab hold of them. As we do, the Holy Spirit will open doors for us to share the gospel message. Just wait and see it happen.

Did you grab hold of an opportunity today?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Therefore I, a prisoner for serving the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God. (NLT Ephesians 4:1)

I have noticed when I ask the students at college why they are pursuing the major they have chosen and the ultimate career path it takes them on, they often answer it is for the big paying position. We are driven by our wants and our wants are created by the bling all around us--fast cars, giant plasma televisions, latest and greatest personal computers, big houses, and you know the rest.

So often we are pursuing position and money and are pulled to what the world wants of us and never move out in our call. We are prisoners in a life without physical bars. We have been sentenced by our own desires in our pursuit of worldly things. We want our fair share; to be like everyone else. We know how they live. After all, we see their lifestyles depicted on television and in movies. Our lives are molded around fictional fantasy.

God created us and before we were born of this world, He had a plan for our life. We have been called by God and it is up to us to create a strong relationship with Him so we can find out just what He has called us for. While we search, we must lead a life worthy of our calling, a Christ like life.

Are you in relationship with Him each day asking Him to mold you and shape you into the person He has called you to be?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding. (Ephesians 1:8 NLT)

Years ago when you purchased a computer, all you got was the computer. There was nothing on the hard disk drive. You were required to install the operating system and then to install any applications you wanted included. It was like getting a brain with no wisdom included.

Today computers come with the latest version of Windows XP and application software so you can get started right away with Internet access and typing letters. They are not loaded with every application known to mankind, but they have plenty to get started with. You can add whatever you need later.

I believe when we were born God gave us a "hard drive" filled with all wisdom and understanding. What we were missing was the means to access the information on it. When we were born again, we received the username and password.

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we now have access to the entire "hard drive". Are you accessing all of your data?

Monday, September 04, 2006

Well, when I came to the city of Troas to preach the Good News of Christ, the Lord gave me tremendous opportunities. (NLT 2 Corinthians 2:12)

Recently we added one of those electronic maps to our vehicle. Many of the new cards are coming with a similar device built into the dashboard. You plug in your destination and it directs you, one step at a time. It is like a real time Google map. Instead of printout, you get a live view. It knows your current location because of a built in GPS linked to the satellite. As you travel, the speed, location, and elevation is displayed in real time.

As you travel along the suggested path, the GPS tells you the next turn a couple of miles in advance. Then it reminds you as you near the action point. If you make a wrong turn, it recalculates the route finding a new way to arrive at the intended destination.

Recall the old adage about the horse and the cart. Do not put the horse before the cart? So often, we focus on the results and want to know the outcome before we even begin. Many will not begin something unless they know the outcome. The GPS can only direct your path if you know the destination.

God does not give us a road map or a destination. Many sit back and wait to be directed and the direction never seems to materialize. They are waiting on God to make the first move.

I believe God waits on us. He told us to go and make disciples. When Paul went to Troas to preach, the Lord gave him opportunities. Paul did not wait to get a letter outlining the opportunities in advance of the trip. As we go, He provides the opportunities for us to do His work.

God never leaves us, even when we veer off the course He places us. He just recalculates the route and gives us additional opportunities. As we learn to recognize them, our growth in Him accelerates.

Are you waiting on God to get started or are you on the journey with your eyes and ears open for the opportunities He has for you?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

That is the plan I follow, too. I try to please everyone in everything I do. I don't just do what I like or what is best for me, but what is best for them so they may be saved. (NLT 1 Corinthians 10:33)

There is a new operating system coming out soon and many are pooh-poohing it before they even see it. It gets down to the old change thing; nobody likes a change. Heck, we just got used to XP and now we have to learn Vista.

In order to be interested in the change, someone has to show you what they like about it. They have to meet you in XP and tell you all about the neat things available in the new operating system. Then you want to try it out. You want to test the waters.

Often there is an obvious gap between Christians and non-believers. It is almost as though each were in a separate camp, on different mountains with a valley in between. They shout at each other over the gap, but neither side really hears the other. They are using the old operating system and you know and use the new one.

However, others should not feel a "holier than thou" attitude when listening to what you have to say. You should line up with their lifestyle without compromising your beliefs. As we blend in with their way of life, Christ’s love is free to engulf them and doors open for the gospel message to be shared.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I have been following the plan spoken of in the Scriptures, where it says, "Those who have never been told about him will see, and those who have never heard of him will understand." (NLT Romans 15:21)

Most of us have seen a great movie and told others all about it. We just cannot help ourselves. We want others to go see it and feel great about it. The same goes for a good series on television or even a novel that is a great read. It is important to share the good news.

I get excited about new shortcuts I find in Office 2003 and share them with everyone I know. When I find a great utility program, I cannot wait to install it everywhere I go. When I got my first USB flash drive, I showed everyone. They just had to get one.

The one thing all believers have in common is the commission given by Jesus to share His Good News. All tasked to tell. Most end up singing to the choir; we tell our story to other believers and the same old non-believers.

We hear the stories of miracles and hundreds coming to Christ in foreign countries. Well, those traveling to those countries are telling the story to those who have never heard. They listen and understand. They become saved and healed.

There are multitudes in this country who have never heard and it is time for us to get out of the churches and preach His message to them. It is time to share our story. They will understand
So accept each other just as Christ has accepted you; then God will be glorified. (NLT Romans 15:7)

In Windows we have all seen the Properties option. Just right-click on an icon on your desktop and at the bottom of the pop-up menu you should see an example of it. Click properties and you open a window describing various attributes of the item clicked. Each of us comes with attributes and other click properties when they first meet us.

Accepting others is an issue most of us deal with. We like certain types of people based on our experiences in life. We look at their attributes; we observe the length of their hair, the tightness of their jeans, their tattoos or lack of them, their body piercing, the style clothes they wear, the quality of words coming out of them, and more.

We were all at different places in life with varying attributes before we came to know Jesus Christ. He accepted us right where we were. There was no qualifying attribute necessary to follow Him. Isn’t it time we did the same? Next time you meet someone, look past the attributes to the person God sees and accept them right where they are at
Pay all your debts, except the debt of love for others. You can never finish paying that! If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of God's law. (NLT Romans 13:8)

The American way of life revolves around debt. The latest tool banks have added is the debit card. You can just purchase and pay right out of your checking account. I guess it is better than getting a bill from a credit card company at the end of the billing cycle. The way I see it, having hard cash in my hand and wanting to hang on to it is a deterrent to spending too freely. With a card in hand, it is easy to forget the fact that the funds are about to be removed from your bank account.

I believe my Bible tells me God does not want us to be in debt to anyone for anything, except the debt of love for others. The only way not to be in debt is to limit spending to income. The only way to be successful at that is not to let those easy payment ads tempt us into another monthly bill.

Success in the eyes of others is the big house, the fast car, the great vacations, and other things. Real success is the ability to do that without creating a debt needing to be paid off with thirty-six payments or more. When He says pay all your debts, I believe He means it. How close are you to making it a reality in your life?
Let them boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the LORD who is just and righteous, whose love is unfailing, and that I delight in these things. I, the LORD, have spoken! (NLT Jeremiah 9:24)

The dictionary tells us boasting is speaking proudly about possessions or accomplishments. Ask someone how they are doing and you are liable to hear a story about the new car they just bought, the house on five acres of land, and the vacation to some exotic place.

Humans love to tell others how great they are. They do not tell you about the debt they have acquired to go along with the things. Things are what counts. Nobody has to know you have not paid for those things yet. Think about it. The bank owns the house, the car, the boat, and whatever else. The credit card company owns the last vacation.

Be careful what you boast about. If it is anything except about knowing God, about His unfailing love for us, then it is our own pride. When we do that, we put that which we boast about above Him.
I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God. (NLT 1 Corinthians 1:18)

I remember watching the spacecraft lift off and then seeing one of our own step onto the moon. At the point in time, mankind’s belief changed. We knew we could travel outside of the boundaries of this earth. The entire world watched that event unfold and today we have a space station orbiting the planet.

Before that event, the talk of space travel sounded foolish to most of mankind. It was something in the mind of science fiction writers. It was make believe, only possible on the big screen from Hollywood.

For those who have no belief in God’s existence, the message of the cross is like science fiction. However, I believe God has planted a seed in each of us and for those He has made ready, the message of the cross awakens that seed and faith arises. They are born again. As such, believers will be saved from eternal damnation.
But people who aren't Christians can't understand these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means. We who have the Spirit understand these things, but others can't understand us at all. How could they? For, "Who can know what the Lord is thinking? Who can give him counsel?" But we can understand these things, for we have the mind of Christ.
(NLT 1 Corinthians 2:14-16)

When I was a young boy, I listened to Captain Midnight on the radio. At the end of each broadcast, he would give us a message in a secret code. Only those of us who had sent away for the decoder could know what the message said. I still have that secret decoder buried in a box of memories.

Later on, I learned Morse code and became an amateur radio operator, better known as ham radio. I have used that code to send and receives messages ever since. If you do not know the code, you cannot understand the message.

Anyone could have obtained a secret decoder and deciphering Morse code is no more then memorization followed by hours of practice to be able to know what those dits and dahs mean. Anyone can understand the truths in God’s Word, the truth from His Spirit. All they have to do is step out in faith and believe; all they have to do is follow Jesus.

Some have tried to find numeric codes in the Bible. Others look for other secret meanings. The truth is right there ready to jump out off the pages as soon as you have His Spirit living inside. As believers, He sends each of us the Holy Spirit. We can break the code; we can understand because we have the mind of Christ.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. (NLT Ephesians 3:20)

I remember the story of Tom Sawyer when he was whitewashing the fence. He made it seem like so much fun, all his friends wanted a turn. His attitude made them want to take on the job of painting that fence. What a marketer Tom was. Currently he would be the head of a large advertising firm.

Back in 1984, the Karate Kid was a popular movie. If you recall, the master, Mr. Miyagi, had the kid doing all sorts of household chores including waxing his car. Who can forget the famous “wax on; wax off” instructions? By obeying, the kid built his muscles and practiced blocking techniques without knowing it. After all the work, a.k.a. training, was completed, he had learned many karate moves.

It is not about what we get to accomplish in this life; it is about what we go through to reach the accomplishment. It is in the struggle, in the work, that we learn and grow. This is where we build our strength.

As we struggle in our day-to-day walk and allow the Holy Spirit to lead, we grow. He has His own “wax on; wax off” exercises for us to work on. By his mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope.
Then he said, "Beware! Don't be greedy for what you don't have. Real life is not measured by how much we own." (NLT Luke 12:15)

Before my relationship with Christ, I used to like the bumper sticker that reads “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Those who know me realize I have a number of gadgets. We have always had cell phones, computers, VCR’s, and DVD players. That has not changed; the need to go out and get the next best gadget has gone.

It is no longer a contest with friends to see who has the latest and greatest gadget. It no longer matters if they have a bigger television set, have digital cable with a DVR, or have the latest 12 megapixel digital camera. What we accumulate in stuff here on earth does not matter.

Real life is elsewhere. It is a life after this earthly existence is over. It is life after death. Real life is only available for those who believe, for those who are born again. It is not an exclusive club. The door is open to all. Entry is limited only by ones willingness to believe in faith, that Jesus is the way, our Lord and Savior.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (NKJV 2 Timothy 3:7)

Twenty years ago a little robot called Number 5 announced, “Need more input, Stephanie!” He absorbed all the input she would feed him including dictionaries, encyclopedias, and television shows.

The accumulation of knowledge does not guarantee understanding. Learning itself is a hobby for many. Some attend local colleges most of their life taking course after course in their pursuit of knowledge. They need more input.

Our hard disk drives used to be twenty megabytes and only partially full. Now drives are available with two hundred or more gigabytes and even terabytes of storage. Our computers may ingest byte after byte of data, of raw input, but this does not make them understand—they can only regurgitate what was fed in. And that old computer term, GIGO, is still true; garbage in garbage out.

We can memorize God’s word and be able to regurgitate it without thinking. This makes us very spiritual in the eyes of many, in and out of Christianity. It is as though spirituality is based on how many gigabytes of data one has absorbed.

We come to the knowledge of truth as a direct result of our relationship with God. As we walk with Him listening for His voice, we are led into all truth. We do need to read His word but not for input. His word is one way He speaks to us in a manner we can understand. He reveals truth through His book.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ. (NLT Hebrews 3:14)

A powerful feature of applications like Excel is its ability to logically come to a conclusion. The function used in Excel is IF. If this is true, then do that, otherwise do something else. Used in a Christian environment we might say if a believer, then live in eternity with God, otherwise live in eternity without Him.

All the choices we might make have two possible outcomes. One of them lines up with the Word of God, the other does not. Often we are swayed by emotions to choose without giving any thought to the long term consequences. We are interested in immediate gratification.

When we first believed, we found ourselves fanatical about following His word; about judging our every action against it. As time went on, we may have drifted back into a worldly mode—into a mode pleasing to the flesh.

I believe God wants us just like we were that first day; that day when we were fanatical. He wants us trusting in Him as firmly as when we first believed. If we do, we will share in all that belongs to Christ, otherwise we will not share.

Monday, March 20, 2006

"Why, that's very strange!" the man replied. "He healed my eyes, and yet you don't know anything about him!" (NLT John 9:30)

I was always one who had to have a reason for everything; always looking for scientific proof. No matter what, I always looked for a logical explanation of things. Math was a favorite of mine in school, because computers were not available back then. I guess that need to think logically is one reason I ended up in computer programming early in my career.

On the other side of the coin, I grew up in a family believing in God and having faith in Him to be there at all times. I knew He was there in the good times and in the bad times. Early on I learned about the fiery furnace and had to depend on God no matter what situation I was thrust into.

One side was logical and always looking for answers. The other side knew God has all the answers and I had the faith to look to Him. If we know something because we logically deduced the reason why, that is not faith based, it is logic based. Faith is when we believe something we have no logical reason to believe.

He healed that mans eyes and there was no logical reason he should have been able to do it. Healing is not something we can logically understand. It happens because God can and we have the faith to believe He can. The logic is in the belief in God.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

John 8:31-32
Jesus said to the people who believed in him, "You are truly my disciples if you keep obeying my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (NLT)

We judge something as true based on our own experiences, and right or wrong based on the tradition of society as we know it. Imagine living centuries ago when the truth about the earth was that it was flat and if you sailed too far you would fall off.

When I was a small boy, the sound barrier had not been broken and many believed to do so would have catastrophic results. Then someone did it and we have airplanes breaking the sound barrier every day. As that little boy, the only man in the moon was the face you could see on a clear night. Then we actually put men on the moon. New times—new truths.

Jesus was speaking about a much higher level of truth. Truth to the people back then was based on their experiences and the writings passed down from generation to generation. He was speaking about a truth that would set them free; a truth that would free them from the bondages of sin and guarantee them a place in eternity with God the Father.
Acts 6:7
God's message was preached in ever-widening circles. The number of believers greatly increased in Jerusalem, and many of the Jewish priests were converted, too. (NLT)

There is tremendous power in numbers. The binary system has only two numbers, zero and one. Yet all our digital systems, our computers are based in binary. It is not the single digit, but the multiplications effect of the power of two.

If I tell two people a secret, three of us know. If they tell two others each, four more know. Taken eighteen more levels and over a million people know. I guess this is why a secret is no longer a secret when you tell even one person.

This is how word of mouth advertising happens. We have a great experience with a product or a store and we tell others about it. They tell others who tell others and ever-widening circles find out and want to know more.

Based on this simple binary system, the entire world should have heard the gospel message years ago. If only believers would have told two others each. If only others would tell them today. When we take the time to tell the story, to preach in ever-widening circles, the number of believers will greatly increase.