Friday, May 12, 2006

Then he said, "Beware! Don't be greedy for what you don't have. Real life is not measured by how much we own." (NLT Luke 12:15)

Before my relationship with Christ, I used to like the bumper sticker that reads “He who dies with the most toys wins.” Those who know me realize I have a number of gadgets. We have always had cell phones, computers, VCR’s, and DVD players. That has not changed; the need to go out and get the next best gadget has gone.

It is no longer a contest with friends to see who has the latest and greatest gadget. It no longer matters if they have a bigger television set, have digital cable with a DVR, or have the latest 12 megapixel digital camera. What we accumulate in stuff here on earth does not matter.

Real life is elsewhere. It is a life after this earthly existence is over. It is life after death. Real life is only available for those who believe, for those who are born again. It is not an exclusive club. The door is open to all. Entry is limited only by ones willingness to believe in faith, that Jesus is the way, our Lord and Savior.

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