Tuesday, November 21, 2006

You are generous because of your faith. And I am praying that you will really put your generosity to work, for doing so you will come to an understanding of all the good things we can do for Christ. (NLT Philemon 1:6)

Paul wrote this letter to Philemon for the express purpose of encouraging Philemon to forgive his slave, who had run away. Philemon was a wealthy member of the Colossian church, which met in his house.

Paul begins by telling Philemon he is generous. Then he goes on to tell Philemon he must put that generosity to work. This can seem confusing. Is he or is he not generous?

Generosity is an attribute of Christ. When we become born again, we take on the attributes of Christ. That is, our new man has the attributes of Christ. I am generous because of who I am in Christ. This does not mean my earthly walk is evidence of that generosity.

The second sentence is the key. As we intentionally step out in faith, putting those attributes of Christ to work, we will take them on in the natural and come to an understanding of what we can do for Christ.

Paul is explaining to Philemon that as he chooses to become generous, he will become generous like Christ.

Faith is an action word. We must put our faith out in front of us; we must choose to use the attributes of Christ in our daily life knowing, in faith, that they are ours to use. As we are generous by choice, we become generous by nature.

As we walk in faith, we take on more of His attributes, and our character changes from that old man to the new man we really are--that born again child of God.

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