Sunday, December 31, 2006

By Dick Evans

As we start this New Year, I believe we should reevaluate relationship.

Relationship is defined in Encarta as a significant connection or similarity between two or more things, or the state of being related to something else. As Christians, we speak about our relationship with God. Those who consider themselves to be born again, say their walk with Christ is not about religion, it is about relationship.

With this in mind, it does not matter which religious group we belong to; what brick and mortar church building we attend each week. What matters is our personal relationship with Christ, our walk with Him each day. Church is the body of Christ; the gathering of two or more believers.

Some believe their relationship with God is centered on time spent in “the Word”. By this they are referring to the Word of God, the Bible as we know it. They bicker back and forth as to translations to use and often refer back to the original text to accurately discover what the original author meant to say to his intended audience. Their relationship is with the Word of God.

Each book of the Bible was penned by man, inspired by God. However, are we not reading about another human being's relationship with God? I believe we are. As we read his book, we discover more about his relationship with God. In a similar way, as we read current day Christian literature and listen to sermons available in all forms, we receive further insight into the relationship those authors have with God.

What we should want is our own relationship with the living God. Yes, we are to be in the Word daily. The Word is Christ, He is in us, and we are in Him. Is reading the Bible the same as being in Him? I do not think so. I believe one way God speaks to us today is through His written Word. It does not matter which translation we use. He knows and will direct us to the scripture pertinent to our situation for today. Be it NIV, NLT, KJV, NASB, NKJV, or any other, He knows how to communicate to us. He knows how to reveal to us a Word for today, a Word to guide us, to instruct us, to comfort us, or to encourage us.

I am not trying to tell you not to read and study the Bible. Nor am I inferring you should stop reading or listening to wisdom from other Christians; not at all. In all we do, God can bring revelation to us. He can take the worldly means of communication and point us to His truth.

Being religious is not bad unless it is a replacement for relationship with Jesus Christ. Daily reading of His word is necessary, but should not be mistaken as having that relationship. Reading other authors or listening to them is good, but is not a replacement for reading and studying His Word for you. He wants us to grow in Him. To do that we must communicate with Him; we speak to Him and listen to His answer. And always rely on the Holy Spirit to guide you into all Truth.

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