Sunday, January 07, 2007


As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person. (NLT Proverbs 27:19)

Mirror mirror on the wall... We all remember that line from Snow White. The reflection we see in the mirror is how we look to others; how they see us with their mortal eyes. It is not a reflection of how we feel or of the deep hurts we many be harboring. It is just the way we have groomed ourselves to appear to the world. It is like the WYSIWYG feature of most computer applications used today; what you see is what you get.

What if we could choose between seeing the reflection of our mortal self, the image others see, and the reflection of our Spirit man, the person whose presence others feel when they are around us? How finished would that reflection be? Would there even be a reflection?

Who do you see in your mirror?


Don't speak evil against each other, my dear brothers and sisters. If you criticize each other and condemn each other, then you are criticizing and condemning God's law. But you are not a judge who can decide whether the law is right or wrong. Your job is to obey it. (NLT James 4:11)

Many watch shows on television having to do with legal battles. We see guilty and not guilty represented in court by lawyers. Some of us have actually seen it in reality by being called to jury duty. Others have had the misfortune of being the one on trial. The job of the judge is to make sure the law is obeyed.

In an attempt to not be judged wrongly, it can be easy to point fingers at others; to place the blame on them for some wrong. By doing so we are disobeying His commandment to love each other as He loves us. He is the judge; not us.

Our job is to hear His words and obey them. This is not an easy task if we do not really know Him. Sure, we all know about Him. We believe God exists and that He rules over all. I know who the mayor of our city is, too. Without a personal relationship with him, I will never hear his words. So how can any of us expect to hear from God if we do not have a personal relationship with Him?

Are you in relationship with Jesus Christ?