Thursday, October 31, 2019


When we find someone that is in need of healing, Jesus wants us to stop what we are doing and reach out with His anointing and heal them. He has given you and I the authority and power to do just that; when we lay hands on them we can command every sort of disease and illness to go and it must obey the Word of God. ~

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


We get to choose to use the gifts Holy Spirit apportions to us or ignore them. We need to seek God’s face and discover what gifts He has given us. Then we need to use them and manage them well. The rewards will be plentiful. ~

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


We must humble ourselves before God. And we must resist the devil, and he will flee from us. ~

Monday, October 28, 2019


The next time the enemy tries to convince you that a little lie is okay, remember who you are. ~

Sunday, October 27, 2019


I try to be excited and encouraging for every one of God’s children and content right where He has placed me. Let’s encourage each other to be the best in all that we do so that He can mold us into the person He designed us to be. ~

Saturday, October 26, 2019


God wants us to be humble; to think of others first with no thought of what the results will be on our behalf. When you get yourself out of the way, you may be surprised at how much you enjoy taking an interest in what others are doing. ~

Friday, October 25, 2019


God gave us His only Son to live among us and then to die for us, for all our sins. He gave us the ticket to eternity with Him. The only price is belief. All who come to Him and believe get the ticket. Do you believe? ~

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Blinders

As we go through today we must be sure we are seeing as much as we can. Satan will try to put foggy glasses on us so we miss what God is unveiling for us. Tear off those blinders and see Jesus and the path He has for you today! ~

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

No Magic

We attend meeting after meeting and put on all the latest worship CD’s trying to get back to that special place in God. But there is only one way and that is through our relationship with Him. There is no magic formula, no shortcut. He is the way. ~

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Quiet Time

Let’s make today the first day of a new pattern. Let’s take the time to get away from the crowds in our life. Let’s spend quiet time with God. ~

Monday, October 21, 2019


How many are without ears to hear the Lord. Is He knocking and nobody is home? When we are spreading the Good News, if nobody is home we must not dwell there. We must keep on keeping on and knock on as many doors as we can. ~

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Jesus gave every believer the authority and power to perform miracles in His name. And when others see His manifested power they feel that same rush, that same excitement. And they too can believe. They can become part of His mighty army, warriors for eternity. ~

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sin Is Sin

James‬ ‭4:17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin.

When we think of sin we think of the obvious. We think of murder, stealing, adulterous behavior, sexual sins...

Yet we have heard most of our lives that it is ok to tell a white lie. It is ok to circumvent the law of the land if nobody knows about it. It is ok to not report some of our income because it was under the table.

We make up our own rules to justify our behavior. After all, things have changed over the last two thousand years. Our culture has changed and what was a sin twenty years ago is acceptable now, we say.

We pass a person in need and pay them no attention and think it is ok. An opportunity was right in from of us and we turned away. That is a sin just as much as murder.

Sin is a sin. Some religions believe there are levels of sin but there are not.

When Holy Spirit sets forth a plan and we fail to follow Him we are in sin. When we tell that little white lie, we are in sin. When we listen to the wrong voices, we are in sin.

Sin is all around us. Because we are born again the spirit of Christ is in us. And we are in Him. We sin but we are not sinners. We are forgiven of all our sins, forever.

The Father does not see our sins. He only sees us through the eyes of His son, Jesus. This does not mean we should not avoid sin. It means when we mess up His mercy covers us. His grace does not leave.

Thank you, Father, for your mercy and grace. Thank you for my new life in Christ. Thank you for loving me. In Jesus’ name, we pray.

Need His Presence

God is ready, willing, and able to be as close to us as we dare allow ourselves to get to Him. We must draw close every day and not just in our prayer time. We need His presence with us all day every day. ~

Friday, October 18, 2019

Pay Them Back

So the next time someone says something nasty to you, don’t retaliate with a nasty remark back. Instead, pay them back with a blessing and God will bless you for it. ~

Thursday, October 17, 2019

His character

The question is never about if we mess up, it is about what we do when we recognize that we have. We must be ever mindful of our conduct to be sure it is the conduct that Christ expects of us. We want to be known as one who has His character. ~

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


It is much easier to follow God’s instruction when we are with others we feel accountable to. God is working in us giving us the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. But it is up to us to be careful to put it into action. ~

Monday, October 14, 2019

Only God

Only God can guide us. It is time to stop allowing the enemy to twist our thoughts. It is time to let Holy Spirit be the one in charge. ~

Sunday, October 13, 2019


It is our testimony, the words out of our mouths that are the catalyst for others to believe in Jesus. Tell someone today. ~

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Who Are You

John 6:29 NLT
Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent.”

Are you walking in the spirit or do you see yourself as a worldly person even though you are born again? 

We walk in this world and live with the temptations of life here. We see the suffering all around us and perhaps even in our own mortal bodies. 

We believe God can heal us but don’t see results. Often we think we have come short of His expectations. Is there something we need to do to receive our miracle? 

Jesus told us there was no work for us to do but to believe in Him. Yet we believe He can but wonder if He will. 

We went to the cross with Jesus and He took away the penalty for our sins and took away all sickness and infirmity. He did all this because of His love for us. 

Our father who art in heaven as it is on earth...

There is no sickness in heaven. That we all agree on. There is no sickness in Jesus and His Spirit lives in us. 

How can there be sickness us? Only if that is what we believe. What we believe determines what we receive. 

We either believe we have to fix everything, even these earthly bodies or we believe we are in Jesus and He is in us. And Jesus is not sick so how can we be sick?

May we walk moment by moment in who we are in Christ and let Holy Spirit handle the day to day stuff and the future plans. After all, He has already seen our future. 

Who are we? Are we the person in the mirror or are we the resurrected new person in Christ?

Walk out who you are in Him. 

Believe it and receive it.

Promote Right Living

We must remember that we cannot teach what we have not experienced. What we promote must be reflected in how we live, in the walk we walk, in who we are. ~

Friday, October 11, 2019


We need to share our Jesus experiences with everyone. Our enthusiasm for our relationship with Him will help others to believe. He saved us and He will save them too but they have to believe in Him. And if they are to hear about Him, we have to open our mouth and tell the story. ~

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A Reminder

Our goal should be to have the character of Christ. That should be our daily goal while we are here walking this earthly walk. But too often we are so focused on what we need or want in this life that we fail to focus on Him. Let's put a reminder on the refrigerator today. ~

Wednesday, October 09, 2019

Be Honest

We must be honest and pay what taxes are due. We must take the deductions due to us and not bend to the temptation to add a little here or take away a little there. And we must give the tax collectors the respect and honor due to them for they are doing God’s work. ~

Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Walk With Jesus

Paul’s teaching is passed down to us in his writings. These great truths are for us to read and for us to experience with the guidance of Holy Spirit. As you walk with Jesus, the path for you will unfold. And as you experience those truths, pass them on to others. ~

Monday, October 07, 2019

God Is There

When we are utterly helpless, God is there for us. When we ask Him, He supplies our needs in His time, not ours. And He will always come through at just the right time. ~

Sunday, October 06, 2019


Being free does not mean we cannot fall. We are free to choose the path of sin and obey the old master or choose the path of righteousness and obey the new master. Make today the day we make ourselves available for whatever Jesus has for us to do. Let us be His slave. ~

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Books, Tapes, and Involvement

Proverbs 13:20
Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.

2 Corinthians 6:14-16
Stop becoming unevenly yoked with unbelievers. What partnership can righteousness have with lawlessness? What fellowship can light have with darkness?

We're all listening to someone. Everywhere we turn our ears are tuned to something.

As a matter of fact, all of us spend most of the day listening. We have no idea what being quiet means. We listen to tunes or talk shows in our vehicles. We have the news on most of the day. Or at night time we watch binge-watch shows on Netflix

Even when we attend a church service it is all about listening to what is happening; the worship music, the announcements, the sermon, and the chitchat with those hanging around after service.

Most of us have no idea how to handle quiet. We look for things to come in through our ears to occupy us. And yet our Father God is not only looking for us to worship him and be thankful in all circumstances. He wants us to hear His voice.

Holy Spirit is trying to talk to us and yet we are listening elsewhere. It is all about me. It is all about doing things that satisfy me. It is all about what makes me happy in this earthly realm.

True happiness is not possible until we walk in the spirit, truly in tune with Holy Spirit within.

The enemy very much loves to drag us back into who we used to be. But that person is dead. We are alive in Christ. Our spirit, the second we believed, went to heaven and was born again. We are no longer that old person. We are in Christ and He is in us.

Our true life is in Jesus. We need to reprogram our old mind to listen to the Holy Spirit instead of the unholy news and things around us in the natural.

It is when we truly know who we are in Christ and walk out in that knowledge, sharing it with the world, that we grow in our relationship with Him.

We are all listening, but who are we listening to?

"Father God thank you for sending Jesus to die for me so that I could have everlasting life. Show me the way to keep my ears on You and not on the things of the world. In Jesus' name. Amen."


Even though we are no longer sinners because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we often find ourselves in sin. That old man is still dealing with the dark side within. All the light we have been exposed to has shown us the right path. But we seem to be on autopilot; we just make wrong choices out of habit. It is time to think first. It is time to make choices before acting out of habit. ~

Friday, October 04, 2019

Obey It

God tells us that He does not change. Therefore, His thinking about what is right and what is wrong does not either. His word is clear like that speed limit sign. It is right there for us to read. All we have to is obey it. ~

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Work Effort

Our work effort in the world is a reflection of our relationship with our Heavenly Father. He wants us to serve our fellow man and Him enthusiastically. He wants our best in all we do. ~

Wednesday, October 02, 2019


As believers, we have the power to resist the temptation to sin. Error still tries to creep into our lives, but we can say no, get behind me satan and he has to leave us alone. With Holy Spirit, we have the power to resist. ~

Tuesday, October 01, 2019


It is far better to place an arm around another person than to point a finger. We need to encourage; not discourage. We need to light up the paths for others to travel on; not place obstacles in their way. ~