Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (NKJV 2 Timothy 3:7)

Twenty years ago a little robot called Number 5 announced, “Need more input, Stephanie!” He absorbed all the input she would feed him including dictionaries, encyclopedias, and television shows.

The accumulation of knowledge does not guarantee understanding. Learning itself is a hobby for many. Some attend local colleges most of their life taking course after course in their pursuit of knowledge. They need more input.

Our hard disk drives used to be twenty megabytes and only partially full. Now drives are available with two hundred or more gigabytes and even terabytes of storage. Our computers may ingest byte after byte of data, of raw input, but this does not make them understand—they can only regurgitate what was fed in. And that old computer term, GIGO, is still true; garbage in garbage out.

We can memorize God’s word and be able to regurgitate it without thinking. This makes us very spiritual in the eyes of many, in and out of Christianity. It is as though spirituality is based on how many gigabytes of data one has absorbed.

We come to the knowledge of truth as a direct result of our relationship with God. As we walk with Him listening for His voice, we are led into all truth. We do need to read His word but not for input. His word is one way He speaks to us in a manner we can understand. He reveals truth through His book.

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