Friday, November 03, 2006

Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days. (NLT Ephesians 5:16)

When we are rearing our children, we encourage them to do good by the words we say and by our expressions. They do not have to be rewarded with a special treat. It is our genuine praise they treasure more any physical things.

The same is true with our pets. Our dog treasures the touches she receives from us and feels good when we tell her she is a good dog. She does good because she knows it pleases us.

There are many opportunities for us to do good every day. How about slowing down and letting that car merge in front of you instead of speeding past them. Next time you see someone waiting to walk across the street, stop and let them go even if there is no one coming behind you. Open the door for the person behind you at the market and let the person with one or two items get ahead at the checkout line, and do it with a smile.

Do it because you can, because you know you should do good every day. The opportunities are there, all we have to do is grab hold of them. As we do, the Holy Spirit will open doors for us to share the gospel message. Just wait and see it happen.

Did you grab hold of an opportunity today?

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