Sunday, February 28, 2021

We Change

As we grow in Christ, God changes us from the inside out. We are to work hard to walk the narrow path. As we grow the walk becomes easier and the tongue tamer. The key is to be in a relationship with Him. The closer we get to Him, the more we change. The more we change, the easier the walk. ~

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Be Not Lazy

We must not be lazy with what God has for us. We should serve Him enthusiastically each and every day. Sure we go to church on Sunday and sing and shout and raise our hands. It is easy to be enthusiastic when we are in the middle of a crowd just like us. Our enthusiasm needs to come from within; not from peer pressure without. We must truly want to serve Him every day. When that desire comes forth there is no way we can be lazy ever again. ~

Friday, February 26, 2021


I enjoy watching some of the nighttime shows on television but more because of the evolution of the relationships among the characters than the individual plots each week. It is still happening in shows that have been airing for years just as it does in each of our lives. A relationship that is static is not a relationship at all. It is simply an acquaintance. We all know who Jesus is. As believers, we have all met Him in some unique way. So we have an acquaintance with Him. He wants a relationship. He does not want each of us scattered, going our own way. He does not want us to leave Him alone. No, He wants us to reach out for His help. He wants us to listen for His voice and heed what He tells us. ~

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Experiential Knowledge

Let God's Word and the Holy Spirit guide you into all things of God. Test all teaching by the Word of God. Man may know how to make things happen in business, but his inexperience in walking with God can cause him to stumble. It is only through a close relationship with Jesus that we can get to know Him. As we get to know His voice, we will know what He has for us to do each day. As we experience more of Him and walk in what He has for us to do, we will have the experiential knowledge we need to teach others His Truths. It is not where we are in the world that gives us this knowledge; it is where we are in our walk with Him. ~

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Puff Up

What we accomplish here on Earth may make us swell up with pride, but it is does nothing in God's eyes. It makes man look to us, and it may make us look away from God if we use it to puff ourselves up. We have it all when we receive Jesus as our Lord and savior. We have all our sins forgiven. We receive Him and all that He has. We become righteous in his sight. But all of this is accomplished because we know that we know that we know it is accomplished. We step out in faith into the reality of it. ~

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


In Luke 6:36, Jesus tells us we must be compassionate, just as our Father is compassionate. So if we follow His example, we too will have compassion for others in all circumstances. We can do that because we decide to do it but when it's a decision it takes effort and may not always be seen as true compassion. In the world, we become like those we spend a lot of time with. The same is true in our relationship with God. Spend enough time with Him, and we become like Him. When that happens there is no decision to make; we have taken on His compassion. ~

Monday, February 22, 2021

They Are Watching

We are a society that moves to action based on what we see. We see commercials on television as to which movies to watch or what painkiller to buy or what the best new car is. And we watch and listen. We are moved by emotion based on what we saw, and then we buy it. Others are moved to God by what they see. They watch us too. They know who we are and they know that we know God. They watch us to see what difference that makes in our life. They watch us change and as they do they change. They watch and then they begin to see out of the box. They begin to see the God we see. ~

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Tax Time

God won't change the numbers on our tax return for us so we get a refund. We owe what we owe because of the choices we made. But if we ask Him, He will show us the way to prosperity. He will open doors that we never thought could be opened and warn us of doors we should not open. This is what happens when we have a relationship with our Lord. ~

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Go And Grow

Our Father God expects us to work at our walk with Christ. It is not supposed to be over the minute we accept Him. Sure, we are saved when that occurs from our hearts. We will be with Him in eternity, but there is more. He wants us to listen to the plan He has for us and then to work it. It is through our hard work that our soul grows spiritually, and as we grow we receive much more. So take the time today to ask Him for the plan. Then go and work it hard. As we go we grow! ~

Friday, February 19, 2021

Dishonesty Loses

It can be discouraging to see how much others are able to accumulate with their dishonesty. But dishonesty cannot last forever. Eventually, the dishonest lose. They are destroyed by their greed; by their accumulated wrong choices. So we must continue to follow the honest path, the path that God leads us on. We will be tugged and pulled by the world around us to cheat a little here and lie a little there. We will be told that nobody will ever find out. But God knows. Our true prosperity comes from Him. ~

Thursday, February 18, 2021

He Knows

No matter how much we think we know about God, we will never understand His decisions or His methods. He knows what we know not. He knows all the players and He knows the beginning and the end. How much easier our little decisions would be if we knew the results first. We must turn it all over to Him and let Him lead us. His decisions are what we seek after, not His agreement with our decisions. It is in our obedience to Him that we grow as we walk this transformation walk. ~

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


We all make mistakes every day. We all do things and then realize that what we did was not what God was telling us to do or does not line up with His word. Hopefully, we know that before we jump in the water but often realize it after we have already gotten wet. When we do realize it, it is time to repent. And that means to change our focus. Stop looking at the sin that He no longer sees and look to Jesus. Look to the fact that He is in us and we are in Him. Know who you are in Christ ~

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

But A Grain Of Sand

As believers, we are with God. But we must continue to trust Him. We must continue to let Him be the Lord of our life. How easy it is to fall into the trap of doing it on our own. We have had so much training and teaching. We have had so many experiences. It seems that we have an answer for just about every situation. We forge ahead ready to handle anything. Father God wants us to seek His face, first. He wants us to listen and obey; listen to Him and obey His commands. No matter how much experience we have and how much we think we know it is but a grain of sand to Him. We must continue to trust Him. ~

Monday, February 15, 2021

Not Perfect

None of us are perfect and we all make mistakes. We are all working out the salvation of our soul. We know how we should behave; it just might not be natural for us yet. We must be careful to put into action God's saving work in our lives because everyone's eyes are on us. Others look to us to see if our actions support the belief we confess. ~

Sunday, February 14, 2021


Proverbs 4:7 tells us that getting wisdom is the most important thing you can do! But whatever kind of wisdom you are reaching for, the key is God. He has the answer, all the time. We just need to reach out to Him and ask. He will gladly tell us and not resent our asking. ~

Saturday, February 13, 2021


The night is the time when worldly work ceases. As a believer, our work never ceases. We are to be constantly ready to do as the Father asks of us. We are to tell everyone about what our relationship with Him has done in our life. Yes, it is up to each and every one of us to tell others about Jesus Christ. As the Father leads us and the Holy Spirit guides us, we are to tell the story of the Good News across this land. ~

Friday, February 12, 2021

Need Milk

Sometimes we think that because we have heard something once, we are done with it. We don't need to hear it again. We watch a movie or read a book and never go back to it again. Kids are different. They watch the same movie over and over again until they are saying the words with the actors. They soak in the event and they get it all. We all need spiritual milk. We need to soak in it so we are filled beyond measure. But we should not spend all our time drinking milk. No, we need meat to chew on also. We need to get into the meat of His Word so we can grow past our current level. So cry out for nourishment as a baby cries for milk. Soak in the milk of God's Word and chew on its meat. Milk and meat are both necessary for us to grow to fullness in Him. ~

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Right Side

Some religions teach that God looks at our works before deciding to save us. If we don't walk on the right side of the street for a long time, we will never get to heaven in their eyes. But that is not how it works. If it was, Saul would never have been saved. He was killing believers left and right. He was trying to rid the earth of them. Yet, God chose him and He was saved. Being saved is free and undeserved. None of us met all the requirements of the law before we were saved and we won't do it even now that we are saved. But He does expect us to turn our works into good works. He does expect us to walk on the right side of the street from now on. ~

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

God Is The Source

God is the source of all. Jesus tells us He never did anything without consulting the Father first. We are to do the same. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to be with us, to guide us. Holy Spirit has a direct line to the Father. As we listen to His words, we are hearing the Father's words. He knows the beginning and the end. He can guide us through all kinds of situations. Do we listen or do we use our logic and our education to make most of our decisions? You see the first choice we must make is to choose to listen. Once we have done that, we can begin. As we listen to what Holy Spirit has to tell us, the words He has gotten for us from the Father, then we must choose to follow them or to reject them. Everything always comes down to our choices. Choose wisely. ~

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Be Jesus

It's not about how well we can quote scripture at someone who is arguing with us that counts. Sometimes we get so carried away, we forget that if they are not believers, they will not believe the words we quote. Jesus is the anointing and the anointing is in us. We are in Christ and He is in us. It is not with skillfully created responses that we win others to Him. It is by being His ambassador, by being a light in a dark place. It is His Love shining through us, which is how we defend the faith. It is not about using His words to defend our belief. It is about being what His words teach us to be. ~

Monday, February 08, 2021


In the accomplishment of everything, there is a process. We make a decision, then we have to go through a series of steps, and the end is the finished project. That piece in the middle might be almost instantaneous or it might be a long time. God has to be in the process. Leave Him out of the process and the work is all ours. Therefore the end result is the fruit of our own labor and it may have nothing to do with what God had planned for us. Let us allow God to be the one who makes everything possible in our life. Let's keep Him in the process. ~

Sunday, February 07, 2021

He Grows Us

If you are one that is called to water, others may be attracted to you. His light shines from you and others feel His presence. They meet you for the first time and tell you their entire life history, it seems. They are ready to grow, but it is not because of you, it is because God is working in them. We need to stop getting so wrapped up in who planted the seed in us and who watered that seed for a season or more. It is our relationship with God that caused us to grow. He grows us as we go; as we listen to Him and obey. ~

Saturday, February 06, 2021

Our Reward

Doing as God directs us may result in our doing great things here on earth. But we must do them because He requested it and for no other reason. As soon as we look for recognition from man, we have received our reward. If we are humble and wait, He will give us a better reward. God recognizes us in His good time. He will honor us for what we have accomplished for Him. That is the key: for Him. As we listen to His voice and do as He directs us, we will be honored. ~

Friday, February 05, 2021

Go Reach Out

God has called each and every one of us, believers in Jesus Christ, to preach the gospel and lay hands on the sick. He even told the disciples that each of us would do greater things than He did. We would heal the sick and raise the dead. So isn't it time to stop following the anointing around from church to church and start looking inward to the anointing that is in us? It is time to step up to the plate and do what we are destined to do. It is time to do what we have been equipped to do. It is time to be as the disciples were when Jesus left; time to reach out and do as the Holy Spirit leads us. ~

Thursday, February 04, 2021

His Presence

When we are open about what God does in our lives, others feel our joy and see His presence in us. That is when they ask. They ask about what is making us so happy. They want to know more and this is when we are to be ready to explain. We don't talk about Heaven and Hell or attempt to defend our theology. No, we tell our story. We talk about relationship and trust. We tell about what knowing Jesus has done in our lives. ~

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Decide Today

When we begin a relationship with our spouse that does not complete the task of creating a good marriage. No, that is a day-by-day journey. We must work at it and work at it and then work at it some more. Our relationship with Christ is the same. The work is not over when we say the words and ask Him. That is just the beginning of a long journey and each day we have to decide to continue. Make today the day that you decide to continue. ~

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Alive Today

Jesus did miraculous things when He walked the earth. And when you accepted Him into your life, He came alive in you. You accepted Him in you. You are in Christ and He is in you. Through your hands and your words, He will open the eyes of the blind and unstop the ears of the deaf. That miraculous power is as alive today as it was two thousand years ago. Jesus is alive today. Walk forth in His power and the lame will leap like a deer. Those that are in the wilderness of life will find renewed life. Those that are dry will find an everlasting stream. ~

Monday, February 01, 2021


Churches can be wonderful playgrounds for the devil to operate in. We must be careful who we listen to and what we believe. God's Word should drive society. Lately, we have allowed society to change God's Word so it fits today's liberal view of life. All things must line up with the Word of God and His Word never changes. His Word never needs to be brought up to date. ~