Monday, August 29, 2011

Wait and See

Luke 17:14
He looked at them and said, "Go show yourselves to the priests." And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy. (NLT)

It is so easy to take a wait and see attitude to much going on in our life. This is especially true with the political situation no mater what year it is. Once we have voted someone into an office, we then wait and see what s/he does. If we like the results, we vote for them when they are up for reelection, otherwise we vote against them.

But how often do we take a wait and see attitude with God? As we read our Bible, we come across many promises for our day to day lives. All we have to do is believe, and yet we wait and see if they will happen without any action on our part. If it is God's will we say. Well, hello! He put it in His word so we know it is His will.

This story in Luke is about the ten lepers. They cried out to Jesus as He was passing by them. All Jesus said was "Go show yourselves to the priests."  Jesus did not lay hands on them. He did not pray a long flowery prayer. He just gave them an action to perform.

The lepers knew they could not show themselves to the priests unless they were healed. They believed and as they walked forth in that belief they were totally delivered from leprosy and healed.

As believers we have been saved from our sinful existence. Our spirit man has been reborn. All the promises of God are yes and amen. What lacks is not God's will, but our belief and action. We do not have to wait and see. As we trust in Him and walk forth in faith, we too are delivered and healed.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Can Christians be Mean?

How come some who say they are Chistian are mean or easy to anger?

Anyone who says they are a Christian is saying they follow Jesus. However, what that means to them may not be the truth. You can tell a Christian by what they say combined with who they are--how they act and react to situations in life.

And remember that we have both a material (old man) body and a spiritual (born again) body. So someone could be born again, but still dealing with anger and meanness in their old man.

We are to love all our fellow believers, but are not to follow them in all they may do

Bad Example

3 John 1:11
Don't let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God's children, and those who do evil prove
that they do not know God. (NLT)

People set examples in everything they do. Our parents actions set examples for us to follow. It was not the words out of their mouths but those actions that influenced us. Each of us can look back and see the things our parents said or did and think forward to today and see the effect the actions had on our own behavior.

I know some of our children have remarked about saying things to their own children that we had said to them when they were growing up. They had promised themselves they would never utter those words, but the influence we had on them was too great and the words eventually came out.

Now we are saved and guided by the Holy Spirit. When someones actions tempt us into doing evil things He shows us the right path to take. However, someone appearing to be doing good is not necessarily a Christian.

There are many good people working hard to do the right thing each day. So the appearance of doing good is not necessarily proof of a Christian. But, doing evil is proof of not being saved.

As believers guided by the Holy Spirit, we should be setting good examples for our children, our friends, out co-workers, and everyone we meet in the marketplace.

Were you that good example today?

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Flaw

2 Peter 1:3
By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. (NLT)

Growing up I was given all I needed. I went to good schools, had many friends and my parents kept me in clothes, fed me, and provided a place to sleep. They brought me to Church where I learned about God and Jesus. They discipled me in life as they knew it.

When God made mankind, He made them after His own likeness. But, he gave us one flaw. Unlike the rest of the living creatures, He gave us the ability to choose the direction we would go. Adam and Eve had everything they needed for living a godly life. What did they do? They chose wrong and everything changed for mankind.

Today when confronted with a choice between godly and not godly, how often do we choose to please ourselves? After all, it is only for this one time. The last time the world chose so poorly, God had Noah build and ark and He drowned the rest of mankind. Hmm, what about all that rain this past spring?

When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior it did two things. It was the key or the password to unlocking all God has already placed in us. And it opened a place in us for the Holy Spirit to reside. We have it all. We have all the knowledge and wisdom we need to build a close relationship with our maker and the Holy Spirit to keep nudging us in the correct direction for that to happen.

The flaw pops up once again. We get to choose. With God's help, we pray our choices are godly ones and that each day our relationship with Him grows.

Monday, August 08, 2011

Not Receiving

James 4:2-3
You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (NIV)

When I was growing up and asked Mom or Dad for something I did not always get it. Take desert for instance. It was conditional. If I finished what was on my plate then I got to eat dessert. When I turned sixteen and obtained my driver's license, I wanted to use the family car. But that did not always turn out the way I wanted it to.

I was wise enough to realize I could not ask for something unreasonable or to even try when I had not been on my best behavior. Sure they wanted to make my dreams come true, but only if those desires lined up with what our family could afford and did not go against our family values.

However, had I never asked for something how could I expect to receive it? They had no way of knowing my deepest desires. This was evident at birthdays and Christmas when I would receive presents geared to what they thought I might like to have rather than something of a wish list I had provided.

God is our ever loving spiritual Father. He loves us unconditionally. He knows what we desire and what we need; not always the same thing. However He does not just shower us with gifts based on His knowledge. No, He waits for us to ask.

Even then, we may not receive because it is not something that lines up with His purpose for our life. Or it may be a reasonable request, but not the right time for us to have it. There may be some growth we need to attain first. then we will be ready to use it for His glory.

"Father, may my requests line up with your Word and may the fulfillment of them be for your glory, not mine. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

Monday, August 01, 2011


Galatians 6:1
If another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. (NLT)

It is so easy to see the problems other have and want to correct them. Matter of fact often the only problem they have is our perception. They do not have a problem at all. We are simply looking at them as though they were us. God made each of us differently and satan has brought each of us through a different set of temptations. What is wrong for us may not be the wrong thing for them.

Does helping them back onto the right path always mean telling them they are wrong? I don't think so. Others will learn more by our actions than our words. However, words are necessary in many cases.

Is drinking wine a sin? Some would say absolutely, it is. The Bible tells us not to drink. But does it? No, it tells us that drunkenness is a sin. However, some cannot even have a sip of wine without going all the way to being drunk. I believe this is the result of a spirit of addiction they are dealing with.

So if we have had a problem with drinking, smoking, drugs, or even overeating we are apt to come down hard on others who are doing the same. We tell them like it is based on how it was for us.

What is sin is sin, but what we do may not lead us into sin while others doing the same would fall right into the trap of satan. If we know someone is dealing with an addiction like overeating we should not tempt them by suggesting we go out for lunch at a buffet or even by finishing our meal with a big dessert. That would be tempting them to stumble.

Two key words in this scripture are gently and humbly. How often are we guilty of trying to help yet much more forceful in our delivery then we should be? Yet, if we are to do everything in Love as Jesus commanded, how can we not point out they are doing something sinful? And yet we must be careful that our actions are sending the same message as our advice to them.