Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Your Team

2 Corinthians 6:14
Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? (NLT)

When I was growing up I played sports. Little League baseball was my first experience of being on a team. I played second base and sometimes shortstop. I fielded the ball well, but hitting was not my strong point. I either walked to first or was struck out. I just could not connect with the ball.

We were a team and we stood up for each other. Nobody got on my case when I struck out or missed a catch at second. We learned to encourage each other and stick together. If the other team was short handed, we did not switch sides to help them out. A team stays together.

When I was first saved, that is when I first let Jesus be not only my Savior but the Lord of my life as well, I had many friends that did not believe. I was making new friends of the believers I met at church on Sundays.

Spending time with the new friends was different than the old ones. The jokes were clean and the spoken words free of profanities. When we got together we did not have to have a few beers to feel good and our conversations were about godly things instead of gossip about friends that were not present.

I had found a new team to belong to. It was a team that encouraged me toward God. The old team I had been associated with tempted me away from God. I knew this now. What did I do with those old team members? I still keep in touch, but I do not spend the same amount of time with them. I would like to see them able to come onto my new team, but I do not let them influence me.

I believe that In Christ we are all on the same team. Just because we go to a different church on Sunday mornings, we are still on the same team. We are still followers of Jesus. The team is Christ, not Church.

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