Monday, March 29, 2010

Flash Forward

1 Corinthians 14:5
I wish you could all speak in tongues, but even more I wish you could all prophesy. For prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues, unless someone interprets what you are saying so that the whole church will be strengthened. (NLT)

We have been watching Flash Forward on television. The show is a takes place after the blackout. During it the entire population of the earth lost consciousness for a few minutes. During their blackout time, everyone had a vision of themselves three months into the future. They woke up remembering their vision and knowing what the future held.

When God speaks through someone else directly to us, it is like He showing us our own Flash Forward. He gives us a glimpse into our future. But this not His only kind of prophesy.

Many Christians today believe that prophecy is no more-God does not speak to His people through prophetic word. They were taught that the gifts went away when the first Apostles passed away. However, we have had firsthand experience with the gifts and with prophecy today and know a number of believers gifted in that way. We have also seen God speak through believers that are not usually gifted in this way, but the Holy Spirit used them as He desired to speak life into another.

As I see it, there are three types of prophetic word -- past, present, and future.

When God speaks prophetically, He may do so to confirm something we have done so we know it was His plan for us all along. Have you ever had deJa vu? This is when you feel you have been there or heard that before. It is like when you walk into a store for the first time and feel you have been there before. We believe that is God letting us know we are in the right place at the right time-we are supposed to be there and this is the time to pay special attention because He has placed us there for a purpose.

Often we are unsure of what decision to make. We pray about it. We create all sorts of logical analysis about it listing the good points and the bad points of deciding. We do everything we know in the natural. We pray some more, but are not hearing for ourselves. Then someone calls us out of the blue and tells us they have heard something from God for us. God speaks to our present situation and gives us clear guidance so we can make the right decision.

Deuteronomy 18:21-22
'How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?' If the prophet speaks in the Lord's name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared. (NLT)

The one we hear about the most has to do with the future. God speaks about things to come. He calls forth our future as an encouraging word of truth for us to hang on to. But how do we know the words are from God?

Of course this is the one that seems to parallel the work of fortune tellers. Can they predict the future? Are they from God? Should I do what they say? Should I even seek them out?

I do not believe fortune tellers are from God. Many are charlatans who have learned to read body language and ask just the right questions to formulate a fortune that will make you satisfied. It like ordering Chinese takeout and after the meal opening a fortune cookie. How many think those words are really about them? Probably the same ones that read their horoscope each day.

Some really to hear things, but not from God. The enemy also sees in the spirit world, but he is not given to encouraging. His task is to knock us down and lead us into temptation. When he gives, he then takes something away. The Bible warns us to stay away from fortune tellers and horoscopes.

So how do we know it is from God? One thing I have found God do is to begin speaking about something only I can know about. This may be something I have been thinking and have not spoken to anyone. It might be something that happened in my past that few if any have heard about. He sets His word up on past truth so I may know that what comes next is from Him.

What do I do with the word after I get it? I write it down and read it over and over to understand what He is telling me. I test the word with the Bible. Is what has been said Biblical Truth? Then I put in on the shelf knowing God has a plan for my life.

As decisions are made and my path changes, I can look back on that word and say "this is that which was spoken". What I do not do is use the prophetic word as a thing to do list. God does not give the word for us to make the plan. We are to listen to the Holy Spirit and let Him guide our steps. The prophetic word encourages us by letting us know where those steps will take us.

So let's embrace the prophetic. Let God encourage us by confirming our past decisions, helping us in your present choices, and encouraging us in our future direction.

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