Monday, March 22, 2010

Share It

2 Corinthians 8:14
Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty and can share with you when you need it. In this way, things will be equal. (NLT)

One of the difficult things to teach a young child is to share with others. When they are an only child, everything belongs to them. When the second child comes along, they do not want to give away rights to their things. But they are told to share by us parents.

As adults we have the same challenge. How many families have his and her vehicles and discourage each other from switching. You drive your car and I will drive mine! And how many homes have one person self appointed to control the TV remote control? You watch what they want because they do not want to share it.

When we have extra, do we find someone in need and share it with them? Maybe leftovers from supper or half of that cake we really shouldn't eat anyhow. No, we use it to get some more things for our collection of things.

I believe God is telling us to make more than a little effort to giving from our abundance to those who are in need. He is not speaking about just anyone. He is speaking about those we are in relationship with-those fellow believers that make up the body of Christ we are a part of.

Give where there is need and when the tables are turned and you are in need, others will be able to share with you.

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