Thursday, March 04, 2010

Live by Believing

2 Corinthians 5:7
For we live by believing and not by seeing. (NLT)

Most of us have probably said "I will believe it when I see it!" As Jesus has shown us in the gospels, many did come to believe in Him because of the miracles He did. Others believed because of what they had heard about him. Few just believed.

I came to know Him because my family new Him. They believed so I did. I was too young to question it. God was in my life and He was always there for me. Over the years I have learned a couple of things.

The first is that knowing without seeing that God is real is not the same as having a personal relationship with Him. It is through that relationship that we grow closer to God and partake in the promises He has given us.

The second is that most people grew up without a family belief in God. They have grown up with a "show me" mentality. They must have something proven before the can decide to believe. Perhaps they are similar to those Jesus encountered. They believed because they saw.

No matter how we come to believe, the important thing is that we do believe. And once we have gotten over the initial hurdle of belief, God does not have to prove Himself. Our belief opens a door to living by faith, by believing and not by seeing.

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