Friday, February 12, 2010


2 Corinthians 2:17
We are not like the many hucksters who preach for personal profit. We preach the word of God with sincerity and with Christ's authority, knowing that God is watching us. (NLT)

Have you ever tried to do something with someone looking over your shoulder? Try adding up a column of numbers with someone watching over you. It is harder to do than when you are by yourself. When I was teaching and showing the students a live demonstration, I would find myself making typing errors for all to see. I had thirty students looking over my shoulder.

As far back as I can remember I have known God knows all. He is with me all the time looking over my shoulder. And yet, this has never made me watch what I am doing and make mistakes like having a person looking over my shoulder.

If we could just fully grasp the concept that God is watching, perhaps we would be more careful of the words out of our mouth or the decisions we make. Instead we push on toward our goals even if they may not be His goals for us.

This also speaks to the many hucksters preaching for profit. Twenty centuries later we see the same kind of "men of god". It is not only on television, it is in many of our local churches. Many are driven by money instead of by the Holy Spirit. They come to get instead of to give out of an abundance of a Christ centered life.

When we live with sincerity out of the Word of God, directed by the Holy Spirit, the authority He has given to us as born again believers allows us to stretch forth our hands and see His signs and wonders mainfested. Ministry is not about balancing the budget it is about obeying the Holy Spirit.

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