Monday, July 11, 2016


1 Thessalonians 5:11 NLT
So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

When our children are very young we encourage them and build them up telling them how good they are doing. We applaud their achievements like taking that first step, eating that strange new food we have them try, their first base hit in little league, getting a good report card from school, and more.

We also correct them by letting them know when they have messed up. Even in those down times we try to lift them up by saying things like "you will do better next time". We tell them how much we love them and how proud we are of them. Then we speak to the actions that we are not pleased with. And we finish by encouraging them in how to react in the future to similar circumstances.

Just like our children, we need to be the same with each other; with our spouse, our best friends, our acquaintances at work and at church. So often we come down on others with not so nice reactions to their mistakes. Or they are not doing things our way so they must be wrong. Our attitude towards others can be damaging.

And yet God's attitude towards us is always with love. As we delve into His Word we find encouragement as we read His promises to us, as we read scripture that tells us who we are in Christ. No matter what we do, God loves us. He may not be happy with some of the things we do, but that does not change His unconditional love for us. After all isn't that what unconditional means? Our sin saddens Him, but will never change His love for us.

Thank you, Jesus for being there for me no matter where I go in my walk today. Help me to be encouraging to others and help me keep my eyes on You. In Jesus name I pray.

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