Philippians 1:29 NLT
When we hear the word suffer we tend to think about going through some physical issue like the suffering we do when we are in bed sick, recovering from an accident or surgery, or suffering pain at the hands of someone else.
Yes these are examples of suffering. But we can also suffer by being shut out or ignored by others. In this case especially because of our faith in God. As we go and tell others what our relationship with Christ has done in our lives we are not always welcomed. Often we are confronted with nasty words and perhaps even physically attacked.
This is what happened to the twelve after Pentecost as they went out to preach the gospel message to the Jews. This is what happened to Paul as he went out and preached the gospel to the gentiles. Paul called it a thorn in his side.
This suffering for Christ as we preach the Word is what we consider carrying our cross. And without the cross there would be no crown.
"Father God, help me as I go forth and preach Your word to others near and far. Protect me from harm. Encourage me as I face rejection and help me to dust off my sandals and move on to the next prospect for Christ. In Jesus name, I pray."
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