Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Same Message

1 Corinthians 15:11
It makes no difference whether I preach or they preach, for we all preach the same message you have already believed. (NLT)

We are more apt to go see a movie with actors or actresses we know and like. We may not even care to see the trailer. If so and so is in it, it must be good. The same goes for novels. Tell me about a new James Paterson, Clive Cussler, or David Baldacci book and I want to read it. I do not need to read the write up. But give me an author I do not know, and I read the back cover first to see if I might like it.

When a conference is set up in or out of the church circles, the key speakers are the draw. If they did not say who was speaking, few if any would sign up to go. In the world, who is the speaker is of paramount importance. We go to hear the delivery more than the content.

In church we do the same. We gravitate to gifted pubic speakers more than to the word of God. Some preachers are so wrapped up in their talk they miss The message. And that message should be Jesus.

It should not make any difference who is preaching or what church we attend. They should all be preaching the same message. They should all be preaching the Word of God. When that happens there is growth in numbers attending and growth in character of those hearing the message

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