Friday, January 15, 2010


1 Corinthians 14:1
Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives-especially the ability to prophesy. (NLT)

Webster say that prophesy is to speak as if divinely inspired or to utter by or as if by divine inspiration. In other words, when one is prophesying the words out of their mouth comes from God and not from their calculative mind.

We know from reading our Bible that the Old Testament tells us about many prophets of those times. Today we see many current day prophets in churches and on the Internet. God does still speak through His people today.

How do we know what we hear is from God? What they say usually confirms something we know and speaks to something in our life the person speaking has no knowledge of. Their words are uplifting and encouraging.

Our Bible is filled with God's promises to us. As we read these words straight from our Bible to others, we are prophesying. We are speaking forth God's words.

We must understand that prophetic words speak to the future. They are not given so we can create a "things to do list" and move out in our own understanding to make it happen. We must also realize that we only prophecy in part. In that one word we speak or hear we will not find all the answers. Prophecy is a glimpse into the future to encourage us in our walk with God.

Prophecy is a special ability we are all to use, so desire it and it will come to pass.

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