Monday, December 19, 2016

The Catch

The gospel is simple, you say. God is good and He loves me. He wants the best for me. He even sent Jesus down to earth to live as a man to show us His love. He loves us so that He allowed His son to die a horrible death nailed to a tree to take away forever all the sins of everyone on earth. But what's the catch?

In my logical mind there must be a catch. How can it be so simple? God loves me with no condition? It is hard for me to believe when I think of all the not so good, alright even bad, things I have done in my short life.

The world has conditions for everything. We have to take a test to move on to the next level in school. To drive a car. To get a job. There is always an if. If you do this then you can get that. No if with God. He loves us no matter what.

And that is the good news. That is the simple gospel message. There is no catch. Jesus loves you.

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