Monday, October 31, 2016


Galatians 6:2 NLT
Share each other's burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.

As brothers and sisters in Christ, and I am speaking of believers as Paul is in Galatians, we are to encourage each other and share the good and the bad with each other. When others are in need, we pitch in to help out. When they are hurting we give them comfort.

Sharing does not mean taking on their burdens as if they were ours. We do not take ownership of them. We support them in their journey through them encouraging them in who is with them seeing them through to the other side.

Perhaps we bring them a meal or two. Maybe we give them a needed ride. We might even give them a place to sleep. But we do not take away their responsibility to do for themselves. Doing that would be feeding into a spirit of entitlement. And that would not be helping them be free of the burdens in their life.

Father thank you for using me to help my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for pointing out there need and giving me a way to help that does not feed into a spirit of entitlement, but encourages them to take responsibility. May my life be a reflection of Jesus and may Holy Spirit guide me in all things. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

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