Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Not Perfect

We are not perfect and each of us fights our old man daily. There are brothers and sisters in Christ that we are better off not hanging around with because the issues they deal with cause us to stumble. Their issues are a strong pull towards our old ways. But that does not mean that we hate the person. We love them and pray for them just as we do all our brothers and sisters. ~ DickEvans.org

Encourage Others

We need to be practicing our God given assignment of preaching the Gospel message to those we meet in our daily travels. As He leads us to do that and we obey we have experiences to share and encourage others with. They will be encouraged by our good example. ~ DickEvans.org

Monday, August 29, 2016

God's Voice

John 10:3-5 NKJV
To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.

We will know His voice and follow Him. And yet, when I would hear people telling me God told them this and God told them that, it would frustrate me. I was not hearing Him saying anything. I was expecting a loud voice coming down like when the Father spoke to Jesus at His baptism with John the Baptist. It was not happening. Why was I not hearing His voice?

Then people would get up in church and speak for God. They would say "God says..." They must be hearing his voice very clearly, I would think. Then I heard a minister say that unless you actually are hearing the audible voice of God, you better be careful about putting words in God's mouth! Better to say that you feel God wants you to say... I feel impressed to say...

Hearing the voice of God is an interesting subject. Opening up your heart to God means getting your analytical mind out of the way so that God can speak to you. So that you can discern His voice.

There are three voices in my head. There's the voice of me; my own thoughts. Then there's what sounds like the voice of me, but the thoughts are not thoughts that I would normally think. And they are good thoughts. This is the voice of God.

Then there are the thoughts that still sound like me, but are negative voices, thoughts of temptation. The voices of wanting to do things that are no longer in my nature to do. This is the voice of the enemy.

So I listen to for the good thoughts and I know that the good cannot be Satan it must be God. And if those thoughts are not thoughts that I normally think or are thoughts that are an answer to the questions I'm asking, I know they are from God. Thank you, Jesus for opening me up to communication with God.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

His Will

We will not find the will of God for our lives in the latest Christian movie or book. That is only discovered through our relationship with Him. As that relationship grows, so does our ability to understand. He reveals it to us and as we uncover it we become anxious to do His will. ~ DickEvans.org

Saturday, August 27, 2016

God First

Jesus always turned to God first. He never struck back when He was insulted or threatened or beaten. He knew the Father’s will and He know His purpose. Therefore, He did not have to defend His actions to protect His name. He always left it in the hands of God. Isn’t it time that we did the same? ~ DickEvans.org

Friday, August 26, 2016

Walk it Out

We can get rid of all malicious behavior and deceit, but we cannot do it alone. It is more than having a fake it until you make it attitude in life. We must turn our day to day life over to God. Only He can change us and change our habits; our life patterns established over the many years we have walked without our new man, without Christ within ready to guide us. ~DickEvans.org

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Race

As we end this life on earth, we move on because we are at the end of the race for us. But the race is still going on. It has been for centuries. It is like a relay race; there is always a runner actively pursuing the finish line. The prize awaits us all when the race is over, when Jesus returns to reign for a millennium. Then we will all receive the prize we have earned; we will all be together in our glorious bodies at peace with God for eternity. ~ DickEvans.org

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


From the new believer to those in ministry for years, each have to balance what they earn with what they spend. So it is not surprising that many a minister expects to get paid well when he shows up for a weekend of ministry, but is the purpose of the ministry making money or is it to fulfill God's purpose, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry? When it comes to preaching God's word, it is to be the same with or without compensation. It is to be preached with sincerity and with Christ's authority for God is watching. ~ DickEvans.org

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

He Changes Us

God is looking for us to take on His nature, not the nature of the world. We have to make a decision to allow Him to change us, but we don't do the changing. He does it gradually as we build our relationship with Him. In the meantime, it is up to us to avoid anything that goes against what we know His nature to be. So don't just pretend to be good when you are around other Christians or those in authority over you. Avoid anything that will teach you that wrong is right. Be the best you can be all the time because that is God's plan. ~ DickEvans.org

Monday, August 22, 2016


1 John 5:12 NLT
Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have God's Son does not have life.

When most think of life they think of our worldly existence. We are born of our earthly mother and live out a life of an unknown number of years. Unknown because we are not born with an expiration date stamped on us somewhere.

We work hard at this life and do all we can to extend our life here. We take vitamins and eat as healthy as we can. Of course the definition of healthy eating changes from time to time so we try to keep up with the current thoughts. We even join exercise clubs to strengthen our bodies and hearts.

But life on this earth ends after x years no matter how many synthetic parts replace our worn out ones. We strive to stay here on earth as long as we can no matter the cost.

This life here is only temporary. It is a brief stay in the big picture. God knew us before the beginning of time. Before we were in our mother's womb. And our existence transcends life here continuing on forever.

As believers in Jesus, the son of God, we have life eternal with Him. We will spend the rest of our life in Heaven with all believers that have left their human life before us.

Thank you Jesus for saving me from this life. For forgiving my sins past, present., and forever. Thank you for your mercy and your grace. Thank you for freeing me of all bondage and making a place for me to spend eternity with You.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Light

As believers and followers of Christ, we are full of His light, from the inside out. Where light resides, darkness cannot. If we were in a dark room with a flashlight freshly filled with batteries, we would turn it on so we could see; so the darkness was replaced with light. We are that light to the dark world. We need to keep our batteries charged and understand that it is through our behavior that we switch that light on. ~ DickEvans.org

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Change Me

Without our conscious choice to to allow Holy Spirit to change us, we might find that we are the same in the future as we are right now. So we should never be content to stay where we are. We must not only allow Him to change us more into His nature, we must ask Him to do so regularly. ~ DickEvans.org

Friday, August 19, 2016


As believers, we are part of a group that is being watched by those that do not believe. We are like aliens in our own world even as we are residents in the same city. We no longer fit in the old patterns of life that we once called our own. We speak of Jesus and testify to what He has done for us. But our actions speak louder than our words. As we live our life knitted to Christ, non-believers see the changes in us and respect what they see. But if we live like we have always lived, what testimony does that deliver to them? Let our lives be testimony to His greatness as we fill the role of resident alien in our own cities. ~ DickEvans.org

Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Choice

Even when the choice is made to accept Jesus as our Lord and savior, many figure it is all over and they don't have to do anything else. They just believe, put on their best pure and blameless life hat to attend a weekly church service, and wait for Jesus to return. But when they leave that service, they slip right back into that old lifestyle; they figure they have it made. They can do what they want because they already chose the right door. God does want us to choose the right door, but then He expects us to make every effort to live that pure and blameless life as we allow Him to change us into His image. ~ DickEvans.org

hello TheEvans

good morning TheEvans



Wednesday, August 17, 2016

His Work

There are those that think of themselves as perfect in all that they do. When they speak to others it seems to always be a put down. We call them self-righteous. Even some believers treat non-believers this way; as though their salvation gave them the right. God has prepared work for each of us according to His plan. Yet how often do we decide what God wants us to do instead of listening to His voice? Although our works are applauded by many, they may only be just that; our works. They give us stature and position here on earth, but they may not get us one step closer to our purpose in God. It is His work that counts. ~ DickEvans.org

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Fact not Fiction

Jesus gave up His life for our freedom. He freed us from sin and gave us passage rights into eternity with Him. I can imagine how the first hand reports of the events at the Cross were passed from person to person. Had the news media been around, it would have taken over the airwaves reporting the details for all to see. But here we are, two thousand years later and like all the wars and all those soldiers that died for us and our freedom, how many have forgotten what Jesus did or have dismissed it as just a story about what may have happened long ago. No, His story lives on in each and every believer that is being transformed into His image daily. Like the stories of wars fought for the sake of freedom, His story is fact; not fiction. ~ DickEvans.org

Monday, August 15, 2016

Do It

James 1:22 NLT
But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.

Have you ever taken a class, even one online, and when you finished you thought you were all set? You understood what was said and would not have any problems doing what you were taught.

Then a few weeks later, or even a few days, you sat down to do it. Your mind went blank and you could not remember step one. You even had taken some notes, but they looked like chinese to you at this point.

To really know it, you have to do it. You have to put into practice what you have grabbed ahold of and use it in your day to day life. And I do not mean talking about it. I mean actually walking it out as you were taught.

As believers we have Holy Spirit in us. He and our spirit are one. But we need to allow all that knowledge to get from our spirit to our head. We need the mind of Christ. Holy Spirit is our comforter and he teaches us all things. All does not mean we get something from Him others do not and vice versa. We all get all things.

As we read our Bible, God reveals to us hidden truths. Most of the time they were right there, but we read right over them each time. And then, today, those same words jump out at us--an aha moment.

One of my favorite verses as a healing evangelist is in Mark 16:18. It tells us that we will lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Wow. It does not even tell us to pray. When we lay our hands on someone who is sick they will recover. Wow.

To see that actually happen we have to lay hands on the sick. We can talk about it all we want, but when we actually believe what the Holy Spirit has revealed to us and stretch forth our hands to them, Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ, comes upon us and touches them. They are healed.

"Father God, help me to use what you have given me. As I listen to your voice showing me the way, guide me into doing what you have said. I want to hear you and I want to do what you are teaching me. Thank you, Father. In Jesus name I pray."

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Our Best

It is never about how well we do as compared to another that counts. It is always about measuring ourselves to our own best. If we are doing the best we know how for that moment, we are on target. And once we have stretched out to do our best, we push the mark out a little further; we make our next best just a little bit better. God wants us to be perfect, yet He knows that the journey to that perfection will take us our lifetime. ~ DickEvans.org

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Cannot Hide

Imagine others spying on every aspect of your life. There are times when we want to be alone, even from our closest friends. Having someone looking over our shoulder all the time is not a fun place to be. If you have ever tried to do some work on your computer, like find something on the Internet, and your spouse or teenager is looking over your shoulder at what you are doing, you know what I mean. You just don't seem to function at 100% when you are in that position. You tend to make silly mistakes. Yet here we are, exposed and naked before our God 24x7. How often do we really think about that? How many things would we do differently if we really understood that statement? Nothing can hide from Him. Isn't it time we started to live like we know it? ~ DickEvans.org

Friday, August 12, 2016

Guiding Light

When Jesus is speaking of darkness (John 8:12) it is a different kind than what we see with our natural eyes. He is speaking about the stumbling we go through on our journey through this life on earth. He knows the destination we are seeking. And only He can guide us along the way. Try as we might to use our education, logic and worldly experience, we are unable to find our way by ourselves. Jesus is our guiding light. ~ DickEvans.org

Thursday, August 11, 2016


God does not want us to be an exact copy of anything this world has to offer. He wants each of us to be the unique person He designed us to be. By copying the behavior and customs of this world, we take on attributes of the father of this world instead our Father God. It is only by allowing ourselves to be transforming into His image that we will become the unique children made to serve and please Him. ~ DickEvans.org

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Trust God

God created His plan for each of our lives before he formed the earth. He is the ultimate project manager. He is keeping track of all who ever or will ever live from before birth here on earth to eternity. He never makes a mistake. His timing is perfect with all the necessary components arriving at the right time. It is not for us to manage, but for us to trust in Him. ~ DickEvans.org

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Focus on God

Some look to man before they look to God; perhaps even to you if you are in a leadership position in their life. Maybe you look to another man or woman in that way. And it is not surprising in our culture. We are trained to look to those with learned wisdom for guidance and direction. We look to our parents, our teachers, our government officials, and even to our church leadership for all the answers. This is not what God expects of us. God wants our undivided attention. He wants us to look to Him as the first and final point of reference in all that we do. When our focus is on Him everything else falls into its proper place. ~ DickEvans.org

Monday, August 08, 2016


1 Samuel 16:7 NLT
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

When I was growing up, I was the shortest kid in school. Most of my classes had the shorter kids sit up front, so I always had a front row seat. This was a good thing as I had no choice but to pay attention. I also had a speech problem--I stuttered badly.

I am not sure if I was rejected by others because of these shortcomings (no pun intended) or if the issue was with me. I was not the life of the party and tended to stay by myself. This was a trait that went along with being an only child. And yet there was boldness in me as well.

How often do we look at others and judge them by what they are wearing, how they speak, what they talk about, how they react to things around them, etc. We know we should not judge, yet we do. The current word for it seems to be profiling. Because a handful of bad apples out there, we judge all apples the same. But the only way all are the same is that all are children of God.

Jesus tells us to preach the good news in all the world. But if we are not looking past the facade people put on, not looking past what they appear to be, how can we see their heart. How can we preach to the whole world if we refuse to part of it?

“Lord, help me to see things and people the way you see them. Help me to see their heart and see them as as much a child of God and I am. And place all types of people in my path today so I can love them as You love me. In Jesus name, I pray.”

Sunday, August 07, 2016


As believers, we are brother and sister. We are all members of His family; all children of God. We find it easy to speak to our natural siblings to warn them of sin in their life; to warn and even offer a helping hand or an ear to listen. God expects us to do the same with those in our church family being careful that our warnings are in love and not with pointing fingers and harsh words. We are watchmen on the wall for others in the body of Christ, for those that we are in relationship with. ~ DickEvans.org

Saturday, August 06, 2016

God's Love

God loves us no matter what we do; no matter what sin we commit or how often. His forgiveness is always available to us. But that does not mean that He is pleased with us. When we are under control of our sinful nature, we are being controlled by the father of this world and not by our Father God. As believers we have been born again; we have been given His nature. Isn't it time we let our new nature control us? ~ DickEvans.org

Friday, August 05, 2016

If We Were Perfect

If we were perfect, we would not be here; we would be in eternity. No matter how hard we try, we still mess up. We can't seem to help it. But when we do, we need to realize it and repent. If another believer, a brother or sister in Christ, sins against us, we must not just shrug it off. Yes, we must give them some grace and love them even though they hurt or offended us in some way, buy if we don't tell them that their words or their actions offended us in some way, how will they know? If we don't tell them, aren't we sinning against them as well? ~ DickEvans.org

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Be Driven

Just because something makes us feel good does not mean it is from God. Lusting is not from Him. It is a way to deceive us, a way to make us take our focus off of Him. We need to see these things for what they are and stay focused on God and what He has for us to do. We should desire to be driven by Him. ~ DickEvans.org

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Believe His Message

God loves all His children, every one of us. He wants all to believe His message and follow His son. He wants all of us to make it to the lifeboat. But many believe the message of the world instead. All may appear rosy, yet those who don't listen, those who do not believe in the one the Father sent, those who do not follow Jesus will be destroyed. ~ DickEvans.org

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

A Good Day to Die

We have the truth that sets the captives free. But the only way we will truly be the living testimony that spreads that good news is if we allow our old nature to die. It is then that God's nature can take over so that death can produce many new lives. Today is a good day to die; a good day to die to that old nature. ~ DickEvans.org

Monday, August 01, 2016


Matthew 5:14-16 NLT
You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

There are many that thrive on showing everyone all their good deeds. They even have buildings named after them so their fame can go on forever. But these deeds although good in that they are usually helping others do nothing to save a person. They do not pave the way to heaven.

The only pathway to Heaven is through Jesus. (John 14:6) And it is not about knowing who He is, many know that. It is about believing in Him. That is the door to the pathway. Once you go through that door there is no backing out.

The light of the world now lives in your, the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ. As we walk through the marketplace of life we are to let His light shine through us so that many may see it; so that many can find it.

Yet there are many who walked through that door who hide in their own little worlds. They mingle with other Christians at church and social events. They pray in private only. They worship by themselves. They hide from the mission we are all called to and that is to Go into all the world. (Mark 16:15) They have hidden their lamps under a basket.

"Father God, may we each put our light on a lamp stand. May we take it with us into the marketplace and as it shines tell others about the wonderful saving grace of Jesus. May we have boldness to reach the lost, the poor and the rich, for the sake of the Gospel. In Jesus name, we pray."