Monday, June 15, 2015


Colossians 3:13 NLT
Make allowance for each other's faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.

Thank God for His mercy and grace. I am so glad He did not hold any of my past "adventures" against me. Matter of fact He uses all those past things, those experiences to enable me to relate to others as He has me minister to them.

He made allowance for me. And yet it is so easy for us to not forgive others for things they may say or do that offend us. If God was not offended by us, why should we be offended by others? Easy to say, but they hurt my feelings, you say.

There was a time in my life when I expected everyone to think, talk, and act just like me. Of course that was not true, but it caused me to be easily offended when things did not go my way. Others gave me a lot more grace than I gave them.

We may be born again and our spirit and Holy Spirit are one. But our mind and our soul and our emotions are under construction. Our mind need renewing. I pray daily for the mind of Christ. As our mind begins more and more to think like Jesus it becomes easier to look past others words and actions that would offend us in the past.

"Father God, thank you for continuing to help me give more and more to you. Thank you for continuing to change my mind to be more and more Christ like. Thank you for helping me give others grace and for not being offended by anything they may do or say. In Jesus name I pray.'

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