Monday, March 23, 2015

His Nature

2 Peter 1:4 NLT
And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world's corruption caused by human desires.

We blame a lot on human nature. It seems to be used often as an excuse for bad behavior. Instead of taking responsibility for one's actions or reactions, we just accept our behavior as being part of our human nature.

True, we were all born into a human body. We all inherited the original sin of the first Adam. And we were all taught how to think for ourselves; how to make our own choices based on a "what is good for me" attitude.

Now that we are believers filled with the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Christ our new life is not all about us. We are in Christ and He is in us. He wants to be involved in all of our day to day life. He wants us to be in relationship with Him.

That is a big change in our lives, especially in the beginning of our walk with Jesus. Those of us who are married remember the change we had to go through running decisions that we used to make solo by our spouse so we could agree ahead of time. I mean we could no longer come home in a new vehicle our spouse knew nothing about and expect a warm reception.

As we remember to run all our decisions by Holy Spirit our day to day life becomes so easy. Our decisions bring forth fruit instead of frustration. And we begin to walk in His Glory.

Thank you Jesus for allowing such a blessing in my life. Thank you for taking up residence in me and helping me every day giving me comfort and guidance and teaching me more about you as You help me change to take on more of Your nature.

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