Monday, August 04, 2014

Just Do it

James 1:22 NIV
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

When we were learning to drive a car it did not matter how many hours we spent in the drivers education classes. We had to get behind the wheel and actually do it. We had to drive the car for real on the road.

No matter how much we study God's word, no matter how much we think we know, it useless until we do something with it.

The Bible is our how to book for life as a Christian here on earth. Some believers spend hours studying it. They go to Bible studies, read commentaries describing what they read, and listen to sermons to know more. To increase the knowledge they have about God's word.

But increased knowledge does not grow us. We grow as we do. When we live to act upon what He tells us as we read His word, God allows us to grow in Him through experiencing Him in our day to day life here on earth.

“Father God, help me to step out and do what your word tells me to do. In Jesus name I pray.”.

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