Sunday, June 29, 2014

The Good of Others

1 Corinthians 10:24 NLT
Don’t be concerned for your own good but for the good of others.

In this fast paced world we find ourselves in the advice given most often is to be concerned for number one, ourselves first and foremost. If I’m okay then you're okay. And many have adopted this as a way of life.

Many of us donate money to various charities and even to our church. Then we let them do the good with our money. And we think that takes care of it; that this is how to be concerned for others.

Perhaps it is just that we do not want to interupt our life to get down and dirty with others. We are involved with the lifestyle we have and that is providing a good living for us and giving us the means to give for the sake of others.

Wow, how easy it is to justify our actions.

I believe God wants us to put others first. He wants us committed to lending a helping hand and not giving money as a substitute. And even when it means giving up something we have or want to do.

“Father, help me see what others need and give me the ability to supply that need, first hand. Show me how to put others before my wants and desires. Help me to see through your eyes. In Jesus name, I pray.”

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