Monday, July 30, 2012


Acts 2:21 
But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved. (NLT)

We thank God for the truth in this statement. Everyone! Not just one or two and nobody has to stand in line. All one must do is call on the name of Jesus and they will be saved. But then what?

Too often those who are saved are left on their own. Nobody takes up the task of discipling them. Sure we invite them to church and then encourage them to go to the sunday school program. They get a canned approach on what to do.

Each Christian religion has its own set of traditions and doctrine. Discipleship tends to focus on this and not on what Jesus asked us to do. True discipleship is a one on one experience.

How much more will a new believer get out of spending a day each week following around another believer. They need to see Christ in action in their mentor's life style. Jesus is alive because we are alive in Him and He works through us as we listen to Holy Spirit.

Who are you spending time with this week?

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