Monday, September 12, 2011

Virus Protection

Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (NLT)

On our computers we add virus protection so malware cannot find a way onto our hard drives. The protection software filters out the unwanted material before it does any damage.

When I was growing up I could be pretty sarcastic. It was like whatever popped into my mind just fell out of my mouth. Finally I realized what was going on and began to think first, speak second. I added a filter to my mouth. This did not get rid of the thoughts.

When I first was involved with computers IBM gave out these plastic signs that you would place on your desk that simply said THINK. The implication was that before doing something you should think first and act second.

So it is up to us to clean up what comes out of our mouth. The cussing does not just stop because we believe in Jesus. The nasty comments to family and friends do not go away on their own. The verbal reaction to the driver that cuts us off does not stop on its own.

As our relationship with Jesus builds, the times of slipping into unwholesome talks lessons. However, when we are around others not at that same place in their walk, temptation always lurks and we find ourselves having to stop our mouth from taking us in the wrong direction once more.

When we speak, we must consciously build others up according to their needs. Let the Holy Spirit be our filter so only good pours out of our mouth.

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