Monday, September 26, 2011

God First

Luke 12:21 
"Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God." (NLT) 

Most have a difficult time getting to the next paycheck never mind storing up earthly wealth. You pray you don't run out of money before you run out of month.

If you own a house--well if you live in a house the bank owns--you are storing up for a time when the bank turns that deed over to you and gives you a "Paid in Full" stamp on your mortgage.

Even though it is a struggle getting to that paid off place, it is worth it when those monthly payments go away. This does not make you rich, but it is earthly wealth. So are the big screen TVs, the iPhones, the cable and Internet connection, the two automobiles, the boat, the one or two vacations a year, and so forth. Don't these things make up our earthly wealth?

How much of our time is spent toward this accumulation of wealth and how much toward our relationship with God?

God wants us to enjoy life and that means accumulation of some stuff. However, He wants us to put our relationship with Him first--before taking time to get more stuff or even to use the stuff we have.

When that relationship is rich, then we will have the time to do all those other things important to us. But, God needs to always come first in all we do.

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