Monday, September 19, 2011

The Trinity

Father, Son, Holy Spirit; the three in one, the Trinity. We know about the Trinity but is it part of our reality?

Jesus taught us how to pray when he gave the disciples the Lord's Prayer. Not as what to pray but how to pray. And it was as all his prayers were directed to Father God. Do we pray during the day to the Father?

We all have friends and communicate with them regularly. Without communication can there really be friendship? In our high tech society where communications is no longer face to face, we email, tweet, Facebook, text, and of course talk on our cell phone. And as a result our friendships are not only local they are global.

Is Jesus our friend? Do we communicate with him like we do with our mortal friends daily? In other words are we in relationship with him?

When we are looking for an answer where do we go? Do we go to the source of all knowledge to the Holy Spirit given to teach us all things? Or do we Google instead?

The Trinity is real and desires our involvement throughout the day so let's pray daily without ceasing in the spirit and in the natural to God the Father. Jesus wants a closer relationship with us so let's get our fingers off the keyboard and chat with Him as we go about our day.

And last but not least let's allow the Holy Spirit to comfort us, to guide us through our day, and to teach us all things.

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