Monday, August 08, 2011

Not Receiving

James 4:2-3
You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (NIV)

When I was growing up and asked Mom or Dad for something I did not always get it. Take desert for instance. It was conditional. If I finished what was on my plate then I got to eat dessert. When I turned sixteen and obtained my driver's license, I wanted to use the family car. But that did not always turn out the way I wanted it to.

I was wise enough to realize I could not ask for something unreasonable or to even try when I had not been on my best behavior. Sure they wanted to make my dreams come true, but only if those desires lined up with what our family could afford and did not go against our family values.

However, had I never asked for something how could I expect to receive it? They had no way of knowing my deepest desires. This was evident at birthdays and Christmas when I would receive presents geared to what they thought I might like to have rather than something of a wish list I had provided.

God is our ever loving spiritual Father. He loves us unconditionally. He knows what we desire and what we need; not always the same thing. However He does not just shower us with gifts based on His knowledge. No, He waits for us to ask.

Even then, we may not receive because it is not something that lines up with His purpose for our life. Or it may be a reasonable request, but not the right time for us to have it. There may be some growth we need to attain first. then we will be ready to use it for His glory.

"Father, may my requests line up with your Word and may the fulfillment of them be for your glory, not mine. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."

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