Monday, August 22, 2011

Bad Example

3 John 1:11
Don't let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God's children, and those who do evil prove
that they do not know God. (NLT)

People set examples in everything they do. Our parents actions set examples for us to follow. It was not the words out of their mouths but those actions that influenced us. Each of us can look back and see the things our parents said or did and think forward to today and see the effect the actions had on our own behavior.

I know some of our children have remarked about saying things to their own children that we had said to them when they were growing up. They had promised themselves they would never utter those words, but the influence we had on them was too great and the words eventually came out.

Now we are saved and guided by the Holy Spirit. When someones actions tempt us into doing evil things He shows us the right path to take. However, someone appearing to be doing good is not necessarily a Christian.

There are many good people working hard to do the right thing each day. So the appearance of doing good is not necessarily proof of a Christian. But, doing evil is proof of not being saved.

As believers guided by the Holy Spirit, we should be setting good examples for our children, our friends, out co-workers, and everyone we meet in the marketplace.

Were you that good example today?

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