Monday, August 02, 2010

The Band-Aid

Have you ever had a cut? Of course you have. It is easy to misjudge and find our skin cut and bleeding. After yelling ouch, we look for a Band-Aid. But first we clean the cut by pouring clean water in it and even some peroxide.

If left alone, the bleeding will eventually stop as the blood clots. If dirt was in the cut, it is likely an infection will occur and the area will be tender to the touch. Healing will take a while longer and may even require cutting the wound open again to force the results of the infection out. Until the infected area is cleaned out, full healing will not occur.

Isn't it the same in the spiritual? We accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and are now born again. God sent the Holy Spirit to live in us to comfort us to guide us to teach us. He forgave us of our sins, but does not unpack our bags. We have baggage no matter where we came from. That baggage is like an infection that stops the total healing.

Some of that baggage is unforgiveness. Things have happened to us in the past and we hold it against others. We need to rid ourselves of the baggage from our past. As we recognize it, we need to command it out for it is not of God. All this baggage comes between us and receiving from God. As we get rid of it, we close windows into error and allow more of us to be in touch with more of Him.

So let's clean out the wounds of our past so God can have full access to us and we can receive our complete healing and restoration.

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