Monday, August 09, 2010

Right and Wrong

2 Timothy 2:14
Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. (NIV)

Nobody wins an argument, ever. All that ever happens is one person gives in. Sometimes right is wrong and wrong is right. It all depends on which side you are on and what era you are from. What was acceptable behavior in the mid-twentieth century is no longer acceptable in the early twenty-first. That does not make either right or wrong, but what was right fifty years ago is now considered wrong by society.

God's truth was true in the beginning and is still true today. He is the same yesterday, today, and in the future. Truth is truth forever. Throughout history man has changed and society has matured into today's version. This has affected how we live with each other and how we handle what the current society considers wrongs. Even the punishment for wrong doings has been altered overt he centuries.

As believers we were given a mandate to preach the Gospel to the four corners of the Earth. Back then this referred to the four rivers and the tribes of the known world. With today's knowledge of the Earth, we know that means the whole Earth. It means we have the responsibility to tell all we meet about Jesus.

We are to preach the Gospel; not argue the Gospel. We do not have to convince others to believe by manipulating them into agreeing with our words. The Truth stands on its own with no help from us. Those that hear it from us know we believe and will be moved toward us or away. That is their choice and no amount of arguing will change their mind. We can only present them a door. They have to choose to open it.

What Gospel do we preach? If we quote Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John we are quoting "the gospels", but all can be left to interpretation especially by the unbeliever we are confronting. But if we preach our Gospel how can it be refuted?

We tell the story of Jesus in our lives. We tell of the changes that have happened in our own lives as a result of the relationship we have with Him. This is the Gospel message and it is a personal message that lets them know why we know we are on a journey with God that will end in eternity with Him.

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