Sunday, January 17, 2021

Do As I Say

I can remember hearing and even saying, 'Do as I say not as I do'. Most of us know what we should do. We teach our children the right things to say and to do. We teach them how they should dress. We teach them all the good things we know. Then we wonder why they act differently until someone points out that they are acting just like they see us act. Ouch, that hurts. But we know it to be true. As we reflect back on what our children have heard us say and how we have acted with others, perhaps even our spouse, we can see that they are learning by 'Doing as I do not as I say'. People may seem to listen as we tell them about Jesus. They may want to believe, but as they look at how we behave and how we are when we are not Jesus focused, they have second thoughts. They don't want any part of the message because of the messenger. We are ambassadors of Christ. We need to be the Christian that others can follow. We need to teach by example and not by empty words. We need to be Jesus for others to follow. ~

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