Sunday, July 16, 2017


John 6:29 NKJV
Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent."

How many are waiting for God to do something for them? How many are waiting for Him to perform something for them? How often I hear the words, "in God's time" or "He is a last minute God".

These may have been true under the old covenant when mankind lived in fear of retribution if they did not please a God who gave and took away. They begged Him and then waited for Him to work on their behalf.

Then came Jesus. The game changed. The law was replaced with grace. No longer do we have to beg God and wait for "His timing".

Jesus went to the cross and carried all the burdens of mankind forever on Himself. He died for us so we could live in total freedom. Freedom from sickness, disease, curses, even sin forevermore.

What is our price for that? The only thing we have to do is believe in He who the father sent. Believe in Jesus and what He did for us at the cross. Our freedom is free, bought and paid for by Jesus.

So we are not waiting on God. We are waiting on our belief to line up with what He has already done.

We need to cross over from walking in our old programming that says we have to do something to please God. Cross over to walking in the truth. The truth that our debt has been fully paid.

Practice His presence daily walking in the spirit that gives life and not in the flesh that bends to old programming, to our feelings, to satisfying our fleshly needs.

Father God loves us unconditionally. His grace is ever present and all we have to do is reach for it. We are in Christ and He is in us. We are the righteousness of Christ. We are Holy because He is Holy.

Lord, help me to walk in this truth. Help me to be the person I was born again to be.

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