Sunday, February 05, 2017

Keeping Score

God doesn't keep score so why should we? Are you at that place where you are remembering the things that others have done to you and in some ways holding it against them?
God has grace for us, so why can't we have grace for others? I believe it has to do with the fact that our feelings were hurt, our emotions stirred up. It's very hard to let go. it's very hard to forgive others like the Lord has forgiven us. He remembers our transgressions no more. They are as far from Him as the east is from the west.

We are forgiven. And yet we walk around wounded, suffering because of what other people have said or done, instead of walking in the freedom bought for us by Jesus Christ at the cross. All our debts have been paid. It is a known fact that if we don't take care of our unforgiveness issues with others it can affect us physically. So we need to forgive those who we feel have wronged us in some way and we need to forgive ourselves if we feel we have wronged somebody else. Sometimes this can take years. As a matter of fact there are many families that are separated by issues long forgotten. They only know that something happened in the past and instead of dealing with it they stay separated.

God wants us to show love to all and that includes our family members. Yes we should all get along, but that does not mean we all have to agree. We get along because we have the same God, the same Jesus in us and yet each of us has a different path that we are on. We may not be doing the same thing that somebody else does. Byt we are reaching towards the same goal, same end of the race, that time we spend for eternity with our Lord and Savior.

Thank you Jesus for loving me. Thank you for molding me into the person that I need to be. Thank you for showing me how to love others, how to show grace when they do something that doesn't fit with my ideas. Help me to show mercy. If they do something that rubs me wrong, help me to not feel hurt because of the words they say that drill down deep into my emotions. Help me to love them. Help me to walk in the spirit and see them as Jesus sees them. Thank you Lord for forgiving me. Help me to forgive others. Help me to stop keeping score. In Jesus name I pray, amen

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