Monday, March 14, 2016


John 6:29 NLT
Jesus told them, "This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent."

Have you ever passed by a stranger and later wondered who he was? You wonder why he ended up where he is in this life. We think "But for the grace of God that could be me." And yet that person is eligible for that same grace.

Jesus went to the cross for all people. He took the sins and curses and sicknesses of all. Not just for those that believed in Him. No one was born again yet. No one had the Holy Spirit. No one had a revelation of God's grace. The age of grace had not even begun. They were still living under law.

Then came Pentecost where the Holy Spirit was sent to live in every believer. The age of Grace had begun. And as Jesus told us when He told His disciples the only work we would have is to believe on the one the Father had sent. We are in Christ and He is in us. Holy Spirit and our spirit are one. We live and breath in Him.

As we allow Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, to work through us, He manifests in authority and power to reach the lost. To heal the sick. To Remove bondages. And He frees all he comes in contact with.

All it takes is letting go of our fleshly desires and give Him control. Trust Him with everything and He opens up the miraculous in our life. Know who you are in Christ.

So the next time you see a beggar, stop and introduce him to who is in you. Both of your lives will be forever changed.

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