Monday, October 19, 2015


Matthew 28:19-20 NLT
Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

When we became born again it was not to just get a ticket on the bus to heaven. And yet, many are just waiting around attempting to be good little Christians until Jesus returns or they reach their expiration date for this part of the journey.

Jesus commissioned us to preach the gospel message, to make believers and then to disciple them.

Many get to church on a weekend and think that plus their good lives is all they are to do. Wrong. Jesus said we would do what He did while He was here on earth and even more. How can that happen if we don’t step outside the church?

Oh, so you tell others what a great church you attend and even invite them? Good for you, but that is like inviting them to a football game or to see a good movie. Jesus did not commission the church to convert the heathen, He commissioned you and I. When they are born again because of what you did, then bring them to church as new believers.

And then disciple them. It is not the pastor’s job to disciple, he/she is the encourager, the teacher, the pastor. We are to bring them alongside us and teach them by our example what it means to walk as Jesus walked--to be Jesus in the marketplace.

Emphasis has been on conversions and not on discipleship. It does not matter much how many say:’Yeah Jesus.” What matters is how many, because of our discipleship learn to “Be Jesus.”

Well, you say, I am waiting for God’s direction before I get off the couch and do anything. He has to tell me what to do next, where to go next, who to get involved with. I need a word from Him before I can do anything.

He gave us His Word so we would know His Will and His ways. He gave us Holy Spirit to encourage us as we go. It is in the GO that we get direction. It is in the GO that we grow. It is in the GO that we see the doors to close and the doors to open.

God does not paint a big sign on a door for us. We are to seek the doors and as we attempt to walk through them Holy Spirit gives us a check in our spirit when our direction is wrong. It is up to us to be aware of those checks and back off if we take a wrong turn.

As we pursue obedience to His Word and therefore His Will, He shows up. When we see a door, we walk to it and if it opens and lines up with His Will as defined in His Word He will give us what we need to fulfil the task He has for us.

If that door you see open is one you cannot go through without His help, then it is probably the door He has for you to pursue. If you can do it on your own then it is probably one you are opening all on your own. For it is through having to trust God that we grow through our experiences in this life.

The GO is easy in hindsight. But as we walk towards it, the way may seem insurmountable and it is only with His help and our complete trust in Him that we can make it. We have to go through the doors together. We have to go through each day together. It is not six days for this life and one day with Him. It is living every day with Him. He is in us and at our side and covering our back and leading the way, every day.

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