Sunday, February 08, 2015

Obstacle Course of Life

Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Many Christians seem to have been taught that in order to grow in our relationship with God we have to find our way though a number of challenges. I often hear things like "The higher you go with God the bigger the devils". The devil has already been defeated. He has no authority over us. He has no permission to work in our lives and the only way in is to break in to try and destroy us; take us off the path God has for us. I do not know about you, but I am in Christ and He won that battle a long time ago.

I do not believe that we have to go through bad things to grow with God. We have to go forth obeying His voice and as we do we grow as Holy Spirit teaches us all things. Does life here on earth present us with difficulties and even more? Yes, we are living in earthen vessels while we are still here walking out our salvation.

God is with us as we go through each difficult time. We learn through each of them and Holy Spirit uses them as opportunities to teach us. Our walk with God is not an obstacle course. The pain and suffering was already had for us by Jesus so we would not have to go through it.

Many of my challenges have been the result of poor choices. And those choices were made by me as I used my own understanding instead of relying on God to guide me. Smooth sailing in my life occurs when I let Him lead me. But as much as I want that, my own head and desires get in the way often. I can even convince myself that I heard from Him. When the results are not good I realize it was me and not Him.

Father God, thank you for being there for me every time my poor choices or even the choices of others put me in a bad situation. Thank you for being there with me and guiding me out of the mess. Help me to listen to Holy Spirit instead of my own mind. Show me the path I am to follow and help me to stay on it. In Jesus name, I pray.

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