Monday, September 02, 2013


James 1:14 NLT
Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away.

Does a day go by when temptation does not come our way?

If you are thinking you are not tempted, you are deceiving yourself. We are all tempted.

How about that piece of cake or pie when we should not be eating it because we need to drop a few pounds? We think, one little piece can't hurt.

Or what about that movie you watched last evening? The reviews looked good and the trailer was exciting. So it was rated R. Doesn't that stand for recommended? We can just ignore the bad language and the violence forgetting our minds remember all we see, hear, taste, and feel.

What about when we are in conversation with a friend and it turns to gossip. Do we stop it? Or do we not only listen but add to the unnecessary chatter without offering up a prayer in love instead?

Sure, some are tempted in much harsher ways. Tempted to disobey one or more of the ten commandments. But falling into any temptation is sin.

"Father God, help me today to recognize the temptation that comes at me either from my own desires or from others that could lead me astray. Help me, Lord to keep my eyes focused on You. In Jesus name I pray. Amen"

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