Monday, August 12, 2013

Work At It

Hebrews 12:14 NLT 
Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the Lord.

It is easy to fall into the trap that once saved we are holy. All we have to do is go to church once in awhile and we are all set for that final trip to heaven, eternity with God the father.

Just because we asked Jesus into our heart we think we are done. No, that is just the beginning. From that point on to our ultimate death in this life we change. Holy Spirit guides us down the path so those changes can occur.

Often we are plagued with challenges and as we look to God for help through them we are changed. We grow closer to Him and shed a little more of this earthly life.

Some change happens right away. Other change takes place as we listen for His voice correcting us when we fall into sin. Then we ask for His forgiveness and repent changing so we do not do that again.

Even before we are prodded by Holy Spirit, we find guidelines to living in our Bible and work to live the life we see we should be living. We give up the things of our old life, even many of our old acquaintances and friends so we can model Jesus in our day to day life.

We work at living in peace with everyone. We listen to that still small voice and work at doing what He says. We ask Him to help us change and to guide us daily down the right path.

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