Monday, May 24, 2010


Matthew 18:7
How terrible it will be for anyone who causes others to sin. Temptation to do wrong is inevitable, but how terrible it will be for the person who does the tempting. (NLT)

There is not one of us who can say; we have never been tempted; nor can we say, we have never given into temptation. But can we be blamed for tempting someone else?

I have been doing real well over the past few months in the eating department. We have changed our eating habits to try to eat healthier. I did not think it would be possible to go without bread and deserts, but I have managed well and even lost a few pounds. Add to that drinking lots of water each day and exercise and the results are obvious.

However, when I go somewhere like one of our great Bible Discovery Group meetings during the week, I am tempted to try a piece or two of the scrumptious looking deserts someone brings for us to snack on. Sometimes I just give in to that temptation and have a piece, ruining my calorie intake number for that day.

Often we get excited about something we have gotten involved in and try to convince others to jump on the bandwagon with us. Yet what is a small investment to us could be someone else's life savings. Our little venture could temp them into overextending themselves causing them to sin.

Our excitement and commitment can be so overwhelming for others that they ignore that still small voice of warning in instead only hear our loud cry. And if we say it is alright, it must be so. Wrong. We are causing them to sin by grieving the Holy Spirit trying to lead them on the right path for them.

So whether it is food or finances or just our lifestyle, we need to be careful we do not manipulate others to our way of thinking. We must listen to the Holy Spirit to guide our day-to-day decisions. We need to let others do the same.

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