Thursday, May 13, 2021

Consume Me

In the past, the things I became involved with seemed to consume me. It was all I thought about and dreamed about. Every waking hour was spent doing something involving it or thinking and planning about what I was going to do. There were a few years that I ate and slept sports car rallies. I participated in them on weekends, then I began to write and run them for others to do, and I even became so involved with the sports car club that I became president and newsletter editor and just about everything else. That is what God wants of us and our relationship with Him. Even though He chose us, we had to choose to believe. The decision had to be ours. Deep down we were searching for something. We just did not know what it was. We wanted that total involvement. It wasn't the club or the hobby that would fulfill that empty hole, it is Him. ~ 

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