Friday, July 23, 2021


No matter how long we have been saved, we will always be in transition. There is always more for us to learn; more change that needs to occur. The world sees us as Christians so we must clothe ourselves as such; we must express the brand-new nature even as a preview of what is to come.~

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Know Jesus

We can read our Bible to learn about Jesus. We can get books that others have written and even study old manuscripts from the times that Jesus was on this earth to find out more about Him. But that helps us to know about Him. It does not mean that we know Him. It takes a 24x7 relationship to really know Jesus. And that is what He expects of each and every one of His followers. He wants us on Sunday mornings in church, but that is where He expects to find us praising and worshipping the Father. Our relationship with Jesus continues for the rest of the week and that is how we can get to the point of saying that we know Him.~

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

It's Our Choice

When we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we became born again. We can choose to be molded into the Christian that the world expects us to be by copying the behavior and customs of other believers. Or we can be encouraged by other believers to develop our own personal relationship with God and let Him transform us into the new person He designed us to become.~

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

No Longer A Slave To Sin

When you don't have a relationship with someone, how can you know the protocol? It is when we develop a relationship with God that He can infuse us with His nature and we know without a doubt what sin is all about. We know that if it does not please Him, it is sin, no matter what the world says about it. So as we move ahead in our transformation walk, Holy Spirit teaches us more each day. The more we absorb, the more we change. When He is in our lives daily, we are no longer slaves to sin.~

Monday, July 19, 2021

He Teaches Us

What comes easy teaches little, while that which we battle through teaches much. And when we have gotten to the other side, we can tell the story of how we made it. Then we can reach out and help others to make it too. Since they know we made it, they know that so can they. God is right with us in every situation that life throws at us. He gives us the strength to press on and make it to the end. He teaches us through all of our experiences. Not only do they help us learn to endure, but they also build our character, and add to our experiential knowledge which is useful to fulfill the purpose God has for us in His plan.~

Sunday, July 18, 2021


It is not about trouble coming our way or not, it is about how we deal with the trouble that does. Out of every tribulation springs opportunity. We just have to look for it. If someone had tried to tell me twenty years ago that I would be doing what I am doing, I would have told them they were crazy. But as I look back over my life I can see how He used those past tribulations to cause the growth in me which allows me to be used by Him today. Praise God for the trials He has pulled us through and for helping us to become the people we are today.~

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Rest In His Peace

I used to think that everyone had the same kind of experiences as I had, but now I know differently. Many have been facing trials and sorrows most of their lives. While we live on this earth, we will always be faced with unfair situations, trials, and tribulations. Some think that because they have been saved and crossed over from heathen to Christian that the trials are over. They are not. However, Jesus is with us as we walk through them, guiding us and encouraging us all the way. We can rest in His peace knowing He has overcome the world.~

Friday, July 16, 2021

Press On

Even with our own children, we continue to press on when they seem not to hear. We must also press on with God’s children. When their hearts are ready, they will stand in awe of His mighty presence and will understand all we are preaching to them. They will see Christ for who He really is and not what the world has made Him out to be.~

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Equip The Saints

From the new believer to those in ministry for years, each has to balance what they earn with what they spend. So it is not surprising that many a minister expects to get paid well when he shows up for a weekend of ministry, but is the purpose of the ministry making money or is it to fulfill God's purpose of equipping the saints for the work of the ministry? When it comes to preaching God's word, it is to be the same with or without compensation. It is to be preached with sincerity and with Christ's authority for God is watching.~

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

His Nature

God is looking for us to take on His nature, not the nature of the world. We have to make a decision to allow Him to change us, but we don't do the changing. He does it gradually as we build our relationship with Him. In the meantime, it is up to us to avoid anything that goes against what we know His nature to be. So don't just pretend to be good when you are around other Christians or those in authority over you. Avoid anything that will teach you that wrong is right. Be the best you can be all the time because that is God's plan.~

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

We Are The Light

We are believers and followers of Christ. We are full of His light, from the inside out. Where light resides, darkness cannot. If we were in a dark room with a flashlight freshly filled with batteries, we would turn it on so we could see; so the darkness was replaced with light. We are that light to the dark world. We need to keep our batteries charged and understand that it is through our behavior that we switch that light on.~

Monday, July 12, 2021

Conscious Choice

Without our conscious choice to allow Holy Spirit to change us, we might find that we are the same in the future as we are right now. So we should never be content to stay where we are. We must not only allow Him to change us more into His nature, but we must also ask Him to do so regularly. No longer will we allow ourselves to be slaves to the father of this world. No longer will we be pushed and pulled to this temptation or that one. We will instead be slaves to Christ, bondservants to Him, and forever on our journey to eternity.~

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Knitted to Christ

As we live our life knitted to Christ, non-believers see the changes in us and respect what they see. But if we live as we have always lived, what testimony does that deliver to them? Let our lives be a testimony to His greatness as we fill the role of a resident alien in our own cities.~

Saturday, July 10, 2021


God does want us to choose the right path, but then He expects us to make every effort to live that pure and blameless life as we allow Him to change us into His image.~

Friday, July 09, 2021

His Work Counts

Our destiny was decided long before we were ever thought of by our parents. God has prepared work for each of us according to His plan. Yet how often do we decide what God wants us to do instead of listening to His voice? Although our works are applauded by many, they may only be just that; our works. They give us stature and position here on earth, but they may not get us one step closer to our purpose in God. It is His work that counts.~

Thursday, July 08, 2021

He Died For Our Freedom

Jesus gave up His life for our freedom. He freed us from the penalty for sin and gave us passage rights into eternity with Him. I can imagine how the first-hand reports of the events at the Cross were passed from person to person. Had the news media been around, it would have taken over the airwaves reporting the details for all to see. Here we are, two thousand years later, and like all the wars and all those soldiers that died for us and our freedom, how many have forgotten what Jesus did or have dismissed it as just a story about what may have happened long ago. No, His story lives on in each and every believer that is being transformed into His image daily. Like the stories of wars fought for the sake of freedom, His story is fact; not fiction.~

Wednesday, July 07, 2021


God wants us to be perfect, yet He knows that the journey to that perfection will take us our lifetime.~

Tuesday, July 06, 2021


We are exposed and naked before our God 24x7. How often do we really think about that? How many things would we do differently if we really understood that statement? Nothing can hide from Him. Isn't it time we started to live like we know that? ~

Monday, July 05, 2021

Guiding Light

When Jesus is speaking of darkness in John 8:12, it is a different kind than what we see with our natural eyes. He is speaking about the stumbling we go through on our journey through this life on earth. He knows the destination we are seeking. And only He can guide us along the way. Try as we might to use our education, logic, and worldly experience, we are unable to find our way by ourselves. Jesus is our guiding light.

Sunday, July 04, 2021

Allow Him

God does not want us to be an exact copy of anything this world has to offer. He wants each of us to be the unique person He designed us to be. By copying the behavior and customs of this world, we take on attributes of the father of this world instead of our Father God. It is only by allowing ourselves to be transforming into His image that we will become the unique children made to serve and please

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Trust Him

God created His plan for each of our lives before he formed the earth. He is the ultimate project manager. He is keeping track of all whoever or will ever live from before birth here on earth to eternity. He never makes a mistake. His timing is perfect with all the necessary components arriving at the right time. It is not for us to manage, but for us to trust in

Friday, July 02, 2021

Focus On God

We are trained to look to those with learned wisdom for guidance and direction. We look to our parents, our teachers, our government officials, and even to our church leadership for all the answers. This is not what God expects of us. God wants our undivided attention. He wants us to look to Him as the first and final point of reference in all that we do. When our focus is on Him everything else falls into its proper place.~

Thursday, July 01, 2021


As believers, we are brother and sister. We are all members of His family; all children of God. We find it easy to speak to our natural siblings to warn them of sin in their life; to warn and even offer a helping hand or an ear to listen. God expects us to do the same with those in our church family being careful that our warnings are in love and not with pointing fingers and harsh words. We are watchmen on the wall for others in the body of Christ, for those that we are in a relationship with.~

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

His Nature

God loves us no matter what we do; no matter what sin we commit or how often. His forgiveness is forever. When we are under the control of our sinful nature, we are being controlled by the father of this world and not by our Father God. As believers we have been born again; we have been given His nature. Isn't it time we let our new nature control us?~

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Watch What We Say

When we feel we have sinned against another we need to go to them to be certain we have not offended them in some way and ask them for forgiveness. Whatever we do to another believer, we also do to He who lives in them. We must watch ourselves in all that we do and say.~

Monday, June 28, 2021

From God

Just because something makes us feel good does not mean it is from God. Lusting is not from Him. It is a way to deceive us, a way to make us take our focus off of Him. We need to see these things for what they are and stay focused on God and what He has for us to do. We should desire to be driven by Him.~

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Just Believe

God loves all His children, every one of us. He wants all to believe His message and follow His son. He wants all of us to make it to the lifeboat. But many believe the message of the world instead. All may appear rosy, yet those who don't listen, those who do not believe in the one the Father sent, those who do not follow Jesus will be destroyed.~

Saturday, June 26, 2021

We have The Truth

We have the truth that sets the captives free. But the only way we will truly be the living testimony that spreads that good news is if we allow our old nature to die. It is then that His nature can take over so that death can produce many new lives. Today is a good day to die; a good day to die to that old nature.~

Friday, June 25, 2021


At home with our children or with our Heavenly Father, it all comes down to quality time and relationships. God wants a relationship with us so that through it we can become the person He has called us to be. May each of us take time throughout our day to spend time with Him in prayer, talking to Him, reading His word, or just the things all around us given by Him.~

Thursday, June 24, 2021


With Jesus don't have a give to get attitude. No, He expects all of us, all the time. There is no room for 'self' in a relationship with Him. We must put aside all thoughts of us and follow Him each and every day.~

Wednesday, June 23, 2021


As we grow in Christ, we become more like Him. But to be like Him, we must spend time with Him. It is through those daily experiences that we take on His nature; through the experiences we have as we walk this walk through life with Him. The imperfections on the inside are gradually replaced with more and more of Him. Only He can change the inside.~

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Dress For Battle

No matter what season of the year it is, we need another level of protection as well. There is an enemy out there ready to come against us, an enemy that is sneaky, manipulative, and inviting. Daily we must go into the world dressed for battle with every piece of God's armor in place. We must get dressed for the season.~

Monday, June 21, 2021

He Changes Us

When we accepted Christ into our life, we became a new person. We were given the mind of Christ even though we might not act like it right away. There is a transformation period that begins the instant we become a believer until we go on to be with God in eternity. If we let Him in each day by reading His word and by building our relationship with Him, He changes the way we think. The more we begin to think as He thinks, the more we come to know His perfect will.~

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Full Armor

In the summer and year-round in the warmer areas of the country, the dress is different but some protection is still necessary. The clothing is lighter ' shorts and lightweight shirts and perhaps sandals instead of shoes. Even in the hot weather, it is important to wear a covering to protect our head from the sun's rays; especially for us that don't have too much left on top. Then comes the sunscreen spread over all of our exposed skin to protect it from the danger of too much sun. We get dressed for the season. Let's also put on the full armor of God each day.~

Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Difference

As Christians, we are no different than anyone else in this world when it comes to circumstances. Stuff happens to each of us. The difference is not in what comes our way each day. The difference is in how we handle it. Love makes the difference. We are called to follow Jesus in all that we do and He did not retaliate. He did not get even. He turned it all over to God and moved on.~

Friday, June 18, 2021

Obey Him

First, we must believe in Jesus. Then we must obey His teachings. That was all, not some of it. And we hear Him in His Word as we read each day. We hear HIm in the nudging we get from Holy Spirit. And we hear it in answer to prayer. As we ask Him, He answers, but then we are to obey.~

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Walk With Him

Jesus wants us to be walking with Him. Anytime we move off that straight and narrow path, we slip onto the unpaved roads of life filled with temptation to sin. And sin we do. We might be well within our society's rules and laws, but not walking the path He has for us. It is time we stop letting temptation lead us; time to stop being a slave to sin.~

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


We are to be slaves to Christ and to nothing else. We are called to be His bondservant which is another word for slave or servant. We are to serve Him and serve others for Him. He told us to treat even the least of men no differently than we would treat Him. As His followers, we are to be a servant to all.~

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Put God First

If we put God first in all that we do, we will have what we need in this life. And that does not mean that we will be poor, unsuccessful people. No, we can have just as much as all those others. But we will have it without it having a hold on us. Things are things and God is God. When things become more important, the only person we are really impressing is ourselves.~

Monday, June 14, 2021

Christianity Is Not A Business

Many are in the business of ministry today. They sell their books, their videos, and even themselves. God's word and His principles are used day in and day out by many that call themselves Christians. He has a plan for each and every one of us and that plan is for His purposes, not for ours. As we do that, there is no need for us to go forward with our hands out. As we step out in His plan, He takes care of us.~

Sunday, June 13, 2021

He Freed Us

Before Christ, every Jew lived life attempting to obey the rules, the law. But Christ came to fulfill the law. He came to set us free from it. No longer do we have to fulfill the law to receive our salvation. It is not that we don't live up to the same laws as best we can. But obeying the letter of the law is not a requirement for salvation. The only requirement is that we reach out in faith and receive it.~

Saturday, June 12, 2021

We All Need Light

The brighter the light the sharper the images, but any amount of light removes the darkness. There are countries in this world that are up near the North Pole where it is dark most of the time. Lacking light, many fall into depression or just become disinterested. We all need light. When our hearts are filled with the light of Jesus, with the presence of God, we understand things that were never clear before. We see with new eyes and hear with new ears. And all we need to do is ask. All we need to do is reach out in faith and turn on the switch.~

Our Choices

Our heavenly Father looks at our choices and must shake His head frequently. His discipline is always right and good for us. He knows what we need to learn and lets us go around that mountain as many times as it is necessary for us to finally get it right. For some of us, that could be a long time if we keep relying on ourselves instead of asking for the Holy Spirit's help.~

Thursday, June 10, 2021

One Big Family

When we received Christ as our Lord and Savior, we became born again. Whenever there is a birth, there is a father involved and he is our Father God. We all have the same Father in Heaven. We are His children because we believed; we stretched out in the faith and accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior. God is our Father and all of His children are our brothers and sisters; all part of one big family for eternity. ~

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

God Wants It All

We have become Christians, followers of Christ. We have taken a stand against the wrong in this world, against error in every form that satan uses to dish it out. Yet we continue to do the things we always did, enjoying the world as we enjoyed it before. God wants it all, not just Sunday mornings. ~

Tuesday, June 08, 2021

The Plan

God wants to use us. He has a plan that has been waiting for us to fulfill since the beginning of time. As we walk forth in who we are in Christ, we walk as His ambassadors fulfilling that plan? When we go forth in faith, He is ready and will use us mightily. ~

Monday, June 07, 2021

Share Them

Whatever we do to the least of the body of Christ we do to Him. Together, by sharing our troubles and problems we can be a support for each other and be the one that is able to seek God and point them to the solution. So don't keep your problems to yourself anymore. Share

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Stay Focused

If we stay focused on God and let Holy Spirit guide us in all that we do, the enemy can't catch us off guard and careless. If we drift off, God’s voice will bring us right back on track. But the key is that we must be always listening for Him. We must be very aware of His presence in our

Saturday, June 05, 2021

Welcome Committee

Jesus is coming back soon, but we don't know the day or the hour. We aren't part of the planning committee, We are the welcoming committee. He will come like a thief in the night, yet as believers, we will not be surprised. He is returning for His bride but it will be business as usual until He does. The only preparation He left for us is to prepare the bride; to add as many as possible to the wedding list, but not as spectators. No, each of us is an integral part of the body of Christ and together we are His bride.~

Friday, June 04, 2021

Change Us

Many of us have received Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We changed in that instant from the inside out. We became filled with the light from the Lord. But if we did not change our lifestyle, no one would ever know. To the world, we would still be that regular person doing all the worldly things we always did. Others meet Christ through our changed lives. We need to let His light shine; let Him change us. ~

Thursday, June 03, 2021

Praise God

Our Father in Heaven loves us and He loves our praise, too. Shouldn't it be easier to praise Him for all He does than our favorite team? Sure it should, but the enemy works hard to feed us excuses for not taking the time to do it. It is time to shut him up and proclaim the glory of our Father God. Praise Him with our lips and above all praise Him with our actions day in and day out. Proclaim His name in all our accomplishments.~

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

A Glimpse

God wants us to look past a person's appearance to get a glimpse of who they really are. After all, as believers, we are all sons and daughters of God the Father, believers of Jesus. He sees past the facade of outward appearance and idle chatter. So should we see others as He sees them.~

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Pattern Our Lives

No matter how long we have been on this transformation journey, we have much to learn. God speaks to everyone at the point they need. He gives them the revelation needed to propel them forward to the next step. We need to pattern our lives around the lives of those in our circle of friends that are part of His circle of friends; around those that let the Holy Spirit lead them in all they do.~

Monday, May 31, 2021

Work Hard

We are to work hard in all that we do, serving our masters as we signed on to do. They pay us an agreed upon wage for an agreed upon amount of work. Why do so many try to get away with less work than they agreed to? It is like they feel entitled to pay without performance. God's will is for us to be people of our word and to do it with all of our heart. As believers, we should always present ourselves as the sons and daughters of God the Father. Others are watching and our performance as believers affects their perception; what they see they believe applies to all who say they are believers. ~

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Be Content

If we allow ourselves to be content with what we have, with what God has provided for us, the future will unfold with riches beyond our imagination. He has the plan for us and if we allow ourselves to follow it, we will not be disappointed. His plan leads us from temptation, transforming us more and more into His image. ~

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Hidden Treasure

Many baby boomers still have one of the original cars they drove around in when they were teenagers; or a replica of one that they have picked up and restored. For others, it might be an older motorcycle. When the winter months begin in the north, they carefully hide their treasure away in a garage to protect it from the elements. When the warm weather rolls around once again, they shine them up and drive them around town for all to see. Everyone gets to see the treasure that has been carefully hidden for a season. As believers, we have the Holy Spirit inside shining brightly. We are full of His light. There is no winter season in Christ. Our behavior should be an example of all of our hidden treasures. His light can only produce good and others need to see it..~ 

Friday, May 28, 2021

Choose The Right Friends

If we choose our friends from those that are doing the will of the Father, we will be on track. Now, I did not say those that are Christians. Not all who profess to be Christian are walking in His will. I want to be considered Jesus' brother, so I want to be with others that are in His will. This helps me to stay there myself. ~

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Answer The Call

We must answer the call to salvation first. If we don't do that, we are not entitled to anything. The only way to heaven is through Jesus. He told us that, yet many don't believe. All it takes is little faith. The path is narrow, but it is open to all who will step forward in faith and believe. Many are called to salvation and those that receive it have an opportunity to go the next mile. In addition to their eternal inheritances, they have the opportunity to choose to walk with Him every day. They chose to walk in the light.~

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Words Came Alive

As I opened myself up to a deeper relationship with God, the words I read came alive. They took on meaning for me and for those around me. They weren't just old stories written by men of yesterday. They were hot off the press; words of wisdom directly from God. Even as you read the same passages over, again and again, He will lead you into deeper wells of understanding. ~

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Holy Spirit In Us

I can see God working in and through me. It is He that heals, He that inspires, and even He that writes these daily messages. He is there for each one of us, encouraging and inspiring us to the greatness He has for us. But the greatness for one is not the same as for another. We are each called to different tasks, but it is the same God working in each of us for the benefit of all. ~

Monday, May 24, 2021

Growing In Wisdom

Even watching a movie or a television show can help us grow in wisdom if we take the time to discuss what we learned or what God brought to our minds as we watched. Ask Him. He will show you how to get the most out of everything you are involved with. The Holy Spirit is listening right along with you, and He is ready and willing to guide you. ~

Sunday, May 23, 2021

He Provides

We have the creator of the universe telling us that He will never fail us; never forsake us. It doesn't get better than that. As we rest in what He has already made available to us and stop pushing the envelope to get more on our own power, He provides that which we need to get to the next level.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Money Focused

We are a society filled with players trying to get as much money as they can with the least amount of effort possible. Money becomes the focal point of their lives. For some, it is their job and they become what is called a job-a-holic. I was that way when I was first running my own business. Everything revolved around making a buck. I was 24x7 business. Real success comes from our relationship with God. Our focus needs to be on Him and not our circumstances or our quest for financial freedom. ~

Friday, May 21, 2021

Our Walk

Just because we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior does not guarantee our success in our walk with God either. It takes more than saying the words to walk with His nature and live according to His character. That takes the pursuit of a godly life. In our earthly walk and in our walk with God, true success depends on a daily commitment. It takes making choices to walk on the other side of the street, away from evil, and follow what is right and good. ~

Thursday, May 20, 2021


God wants us to be humble to Him. We expect Him to be a good listener when we have a lot on our minds. Well, He expects nothing less of us with others. He wants us to forget our own affairs and let others come first. Now that is the way to make a lasting impression. ~

Wednesday, May 19, 2021


When we fall into a trap of temptation it is easy to try and place the blame on someone else or on circumstances. But the truth is we would never have been tempted in the first place had it not been for the desire in us. Remove the desire at its root and the temptation will never return. We have to be on guard to stop ourselves from falling into the trap. We do it on our own strength, using our own understanding. You can't just have one drink, one piece of candy, one donut, one piece of pie, and so forth. But with His help, you can remove the desire and eliminate the temptation's stronghold on your life. ~

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

He Built The Box

No matter how good we are in these earthen vessels, God is better. He built the box and knows how it works better than we do. Yet when we are good at something, we seem to forget who our maker is. We ignore the warnings Holy Spirit gives us because we think that we know it all. ~

Monday, May 17, 2021

Christ Like

No matter how much we try, the only way to become more Christ like is through a personal relationship with Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the light. Only He can direct our steps. It is by being in His company that we take on His character, and that is how we grow into the perfection He has for us. ~

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Let Holy Spirit Lead

God sent His Son Jesus to die for us on that cross. He was sent to die so we could live forever. This body of ours is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we still don't take care of it! What we put into it should be good for it, and what we let it get involved in should be what Holy Spirit leads us to and not what the world has for it. We should honor God with our body and in all that we do! ~

Saturday, May 15, 2021


God's generosity can flow through us when we are open to the opportunities that the Holy Spirit places in front of us. Then we must be willing to take that step of faith to try something new. Search out your gifts and then use them. They are like a muscle, if you don't use them you can lose them. As you use them, they grow and grow and grow. ~

Friday, May 14, 2021

Focus On Him

God would like us to be focused on Him our entire life, but He loves us even when we aren't quite there yet. His words seem to bounce off of us just like our parent's words did. But He waits. He waits for us to open our eyes and see all that He has prepared in advance for us. He expects us to be focused on Him, but to continue to live in the world. He expects us to have self-control, right conduct, and to remain in Him. ~

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Consume Me

In the past, the things I became involved with seemed to consume me. It was all I thought about and dreamed about. Every waking hour was spent doing something involving it or thinking and planning about what I was going to do. There were a few years that I ate and slept sports car rallies. I participated in them on weekends, then I began to write and run them for others to do, and I even became so involved with the sports car club that I became president and newsletter editor and just about everything else. That is what God wants of us and our relationship with Him. Even though He chose us, we had to choose to believe. The decision had to be ours. Deep down we were searching for something. We just did not know what it was. We wanted that total involvement. It wasn't the club or the hobby that would fulfill that empty hole, it is Him. ~ 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Challenges are opportunities for change. How boring life would be without the challenges it brings. Holy Spirit is right there as we go through difficult times. So count every challenge as an opportunity for growth, and that is something to be joyful about. ~

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

The Proof

Here we are two thousand years after Jesus walked the earth. The only way to believe is to believe without seeing Him first. The only way to salvation is to step out in faith and believe. Once we do that, a whole new world of possibilities is presented to us. Yet there are many that won't take that step because they still have to see the proof. Perhaps the changes in us can become all the proof they need to see. ~

Monday, May 10, 2021


As much as we want to please those we love, we have to do so within the boundaries of our character and our standards. If what is asked of us does not fit, we will not comply with the request. The request has to be made abiding by our standards. God is no different. He will give us anything we ask for, as long as it is within His will. We cannot ask for anything that does not line up with His will. We can ask, but He will not comply. So check the Word before you get upset with God. Line up your wishes and desires with His word. ~

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Ready For More

No matter how mature we think we are in the Spirit, there is always more for us to learn. As believers, Holy Spirit guides us each step of the way, but it is up to us to use what He gives us. It is when we put it into practice that we are ready to be given more. ~

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Bondservants to Christ

We were all born into this life a slave to satan. We can blame the first Adam for that one. But we had a choice and we took it. We believed the Good News. We were slaves to the spiritual powers of this world; now we are bondservants to Christ. ~

Friday, May 07, 2021

Use It

When God reveals something new to us, I believe He expects us to use it. He expects us to take it and use it to get farther down the path He has for us. Some get all excited about the revelation they received and never go out and use it. There are some that get revelation and use it for the next sermon or the next book, but never go out and actually use it. We are only children for a little while and God expects us to be the same way in our walk with Him. He expects us to become mature Christians, not to stay in the mindset of new believers for our entire existence here on Earth. So let's get past the basics and use what we have learned. Let's take that revelation and use it to propel us in our walk as He intended it. ~

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Called To Serve

When Jesus sat down to wash Peter's feet I bet He did not expect it and it went against all that he was brought up to believe. Jesus was the one to be served, not him, he probably thought. Jesus taught us all a lesson that day. If we are to follow Him, we must serve others. ~

Wednesday, May 05, 2021

The Right Words

We think that if we just have the right words, the right kind of music on Sunday, the perfect track to hand out, or the best advertising program that we will draw them in. But it is not us that draws them in, it is the Father. He opens the door and then all we have to do be there to let them in. ~

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Business Relationship

How many of us have a business relationship with God? We turn to Him when we have a need for Him. Most of the time, we take care of business without Him. Yet we claim to belong to the Lord. But we are deceived. The Lord knows who are His. Casual acquaintances don't count. He wants a friendship, a permanent relationship with us. ~

Monday, May 03, 2021

Let Him Open Doors

We cannot defeat this evil world because Christ Jesus has already defeated it. We have to learn to trust Him to make a pathway for us. Too often we try to figure out what He is having us do and mark out our own way to get there. But He has the plan. We just have to trust Him to open up the doors for us to fulfill it. ~

Sunday, May 02, 2021

Quiet Time

How can we have quiet time, time to be alone with God, when all these other things are competing for our time? We have to make a conscious decision to allow heaven to fill our thoughts. We make time to watch football. We also have to make it to be with Him. It is a matter of life and death. ~

Saturday, May 01, 2021

The Good News

How many of us used to believe that as long as we were a good person we would go to heaven? Oh yes, you also need to believe in God. That was the Good News to us before we knew the Truth. And it was the Truth that set us free. The Good News is about the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. There is no other. It is in our belief in those three facts that set us apart as believers or not. We believe what God's Word says, that the only way to eternity with Him is through His Son, Jesus. ~

Friday, April 30, 2021


Treasures are not only in the form of money. The very gifts that God has created in us are more valuable than silver and gold. Our creativity comes straight from Him, for He is the great creator and we are made in His image. But to share in His treasures we must believe that Jesus died for us. And we must share that with others even if that means moving out of our comfort zone to do it. The fact that we believe, that we are saved, is not to be the world's best-kept secret. It is for all to know. ~

Thursday, April 29, 2021

God Knows

God knows what He wants for us and what part we are to play in the bigger picture that He has planned out. It is His will that is the key to our prayer. We must ask in line with His will, otherwise, our asking could be fruitless. He did not tell us we could have anything we asked for. He told us that in the name of Jesus what lined up with the will of the Father we would see happen. ~

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Hear His Voice

Many of us want to hear God clearly and more often. But are we going to obey what we hear Him tell us? It might be better not to get the message than to get it and not obey it. All of His messages to us are meant to be obeyed. We expect Him to respond immediately to our prayer. Perhaps He expects us to respond immediately to His response. ​~

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Do Something

Many of us read good books. There are many great Christian authors that can fill our bookshelves with information about the revelation and the experiences they have had in their walk with God. We listen to many great messages from preacher after preacher that get us to seriously think about our walk or lack of with Him. We can even be hearing directly from God as He reveals himself to us. But as good as all the information is, if we don't act on it and obey God's word to us, it does nothing to propel us forward. It is like looking in the mirror and doing nothing about what we see. ~

Monday, April 26, 2021

Give Thanks

Many know God, but how many worship Him and give Him thanks for all the blessing He gives us? It is more than knowledge; it is a relationship that He seeks with us. God does not become what we think He is supposed to be like. He is who He is and it is up to us to get closer to Him to not only understand His nature but to grow up in Him and take on that very nature. The key to removing confusion is building relationships. If we stay close to Him by worshipping Him and giving Him thanks, our minds will stay focused and not become dark or confused. ~

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Reach Out

Many believers work very hard using all the knowledge they have built up by attending seminar after seminar and listening to preacher after preacher. They do all the right things and yet it just doesn't seem to be getting them where they know they should be. They are in sheer panic mode. But the Lord is close by all the time. He is omnipresent. Yet He awaits our call. If we reach out and call on Him sincerely, He will respond. How do I know that? I know that because He tells us so. ~

Saturday, April 24, 2021

He Forgave All

When we come to Jesus and ask to be forgiven of our sins; when we ask Christ into our lives, He removes all records of our sin all the way back through our ancestors including the sin of Adam. This occurred at the Cross; it occurred when Jesus died for all of our sins. We were guilty and He bore them for us. So nobody can throw those old sins back in our face because we are a new person in Christ. We can no longer be condemned for who we used to be and what we used to do. Or for our current or future transgressions. Thank God for Jesus who died for us at the cross and forgave all our sins, past, present, and future. Our sin debt has been paid in full. ~

Friday, April 23, 2021

Pursue Him

Richness does not always lead to happiness. It may appear to be happy to others as they look on from the outside, only seeing the material things that surround them. But the pursuit of money leads to the pursuit of that next thing, that next toy, that next vacation, and so on; all because of the desire to fill the void and to be happy. What I have discovered is that the only thing that can truly fill that void is God. It is in Christ that true happiness is found. This does not mean that you cannot have money to enjoy the things of this world if you have Him in your life. No, it means that you will no longer be pursuing money. And in your pursuit of Him, you will find your reward. ~

Thursday, April 22, 2021


Jesus died for us. He died so that we might be free from the evil powers of this world. Free from being dominated by satan and those under his power. Free from the penalty of our sins, past, present, and forever. Above all, I thank God for freeing me from the bondage I had to the prince of this world. That is the most important freedom of all. ~

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Ask God

Ask God and He will develop His gifts in you. The condition here is that you must ask for those that will be of real help to the whole church, the body of Christ you are involved with. So be eager and ask, but ask with wisdom. ~

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Spark Of Hope

When we preach the Good News we never know to whom the words are being spoken. When that spark of hope reaches the person God intends it to reach, they reach forward with that seed of faith and turn to the Lord. The veil is removed from their eyes and for the first time they see what was hidden and are saved. ~

Monday, April 19, 2021


As shaky as our legs might be, God will enable us to stand firm when His words are pouring forth from our obedient month. That is the key, being obedient to the Holy Spirit. When that happens, we touch those we are destined to touch. It has little to do with the amount of information we received in our education and has everything to do with the revelation that leads us into our transformation. ~

Sunday, April 18, 2021

We Are The Example

When others hear us preach the Good News, they hear more than the words we say. We preach much louder with our lifestyle than with mere words. Sometimes our life speaks so loudly that they never hear the message we have to give. In everything we do, we must remember that we are an example to others. Good or bad, our life speaks volumes to them. May we listen to the words of Jesus and be the example He has set us out to be. ~

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Guide us

There are only two who really know what is on the inside of any one of us; what is truly in our hearts. One of those is God himself who knows all and the other is ourselves. Sometimes our desire to be like Him is so strong that even we are unaware of the true conviction in our hearts. Only He knows it all. We need to step back and see how others see us. We need to look for the fruit in our lives. Does it line up with the fruit we profess? Then we need to ask Holy Spirit to guide us into all Truth. ~

Friday, April 16, 2021

Eternal Life

It is the Spirit who gives eternal life, not our day-to-day works, no matter how good they are. And the gift of eternal life is free. All we have to do to receive it is ask for it -- ask in faith and we will receive it. Once saved, our works take on a new dimension as Holy Spirit instructs and guides us. Recall that our accomplishments get us no closer to eternal life with Him; we already possess our salvation and His grace. ~

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Wrong Is Not Right

It is very easy to be convinced that wrong is right because so many see it that way. We must be careful. We must have the courage to warn without criticism our fellow believers so they are not pulled down into the pit with their fellow workers in the world. And we must be willing to receive the same warnings ourselves. We must listen to the Holy Spirit and listen to our brothers and sisters in Christ as they too listen to the Holy Spirit. ~

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

God Never Stops

God never stops working, so why should we? God time is not a parsed out piece of our life; as a believer, it is our life. We may work and do family things in the world, but wherever we are we can praise Him and look to the Holy Spirit to guide us and teach us and use us. We must never, never stop doing what He has called us to do. ~

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Saved, Healed, and Discipled

When we tell others about Jesus our typical method is to get them to come to a church meeting. Sometimes we even do this so that they can receive the Lord in that setting; we bring them in and let someone else do the saving part. Yet, even if we do lead them through salvation, we may steer them to others for discipleship. But you see, the words of Christ live in our hearts making us wise. And those words came from our digesting His Word and from the Holy Spirit through our relationship with Him. When He places someone in our path, He expects us to see them saved, healed, and discipled. He expects us to open our mouths and let His words speak to others to teach and to counsel them. ~

Monday, April 12, 2021

Preach It

The good news is not something to be whispered in closed rooms or only at church on Sunday. The Good News is for us to shout out just like we shout out our excitement about that last ballgame or movie we watched. We are to tell our story; the story of what a relationship with Jesus has done in our lives. We are to tell the story of Jesus; His birth, death, and resurrection. That is what preaching is all about. ~

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Stick To His Word

We have to be careful false teachings don't pull us away from the Good News being careful they are not bringing us down a side path that is not fully truth. There is but one Gospel and we are not to add to it or take from it. It is not a smorgasbord where we pick and choose a few pieces and add to it some dessert from this book and that television series. It is easy to be fooled by those that twist the message a little here and a little there. We need to stick to His Word and listen to His voice letting Holy Spirit teach us and guide us in all that we do. ~

Saturday, April 10, 2021

His Plan

I see believers of all ages today jumping from meeting to meeting, from church to church all seeking the pieces they want to have. How often we lean to our own understanding deciding what is from God and what is not based on our feelings. It is not about what feels good to us. No, the enemy makes many earthly ideas seem wonderful to us for he is an expert in the art of deception. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us and not our own thoughts. We must follow His plan and not ours. ~

Friday, April 09, 2021

Our Choices

The fruit of our salvation is not the tribulations we go through. That trouble is the serendipity of living life in this world, a world that is controlled by the prince of this world. The fruit of our salvation is expressed in how we react to what the world system throws up in our faces. The enemy knows he has lost the battle, but that does not mean he has stopped fighting. He is on the defensive, constantly looking for ways to deceive us and pull our focus away from God. He places evil and temptation in our path. But it is our choices that determine our path and that is not always the path God has for us and He sticks with us and guides us through whatever trials and tribulations the enemy uses to block our journey. ~

Thursday, April 08, 2021

Batteries Charged

Being in a group of unbelievers is not the same as partnering with them; partnering with their beliefs and causes. We are to be a light in dark places, but we are not be overcome by that darkness. We must be careful each day. We must charge our batteries fully and walk forth ready to spread His love wherever He sends us. ~

Wednesday, April 07, 2021

Tell Someone

People become believers in Christ because we tell others about our experiences. We tell others about what our relationship with the Lord has done in our lives. They know it not only because they hear about it; they know it because they can see the difference in us. They hear the Good News and it spreads rapidly. Isn't today a good day to tell someone? ~

Tuesday, April 06, 2021

Our Example

Others hear what we say and compare it to how we act. They take that one step further and compare our actions to their perception of how a believer should act. Not only are we not at perfection, but we also have no idea of what they perceive a Christian to act like. We are being watched all the time even by other believers looking to each of us as examples. As God's children, we are not to look to others as examples of what to do. We are to look to Jesus. He sets the example. ~

Monday, April 05, 2021

Desires Change

A while ago I had the opportunity to watch a couple of movies that I had really liked before I was walking with the Lord. I remembered how great they were and sat down ready to be entertained; ready to enjoy reliving that great experience. Instead of enjoying it, I was offended by the language and the graphic representations on the screen. It was quite a demonstration of what happens when you let God work in you. We are changed from the inside out; we take on more and more of His nature as we let Him in more and more. Our desires change as we walk closer to Him. ~

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Never Stop Telling

We can get frustrated when sharing the Good News with others. They just don't get it. What God did in our lives is a nice story for them and nothing more. They have been blinded by the god of this world and don't see. They just don't understand the message. But, we mustn't give up. God will touch their hearts so that when they hear our words, they will believe. Never stop telling the story. ~

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Free Gift

Jesus' free gift saved us. He paid the price for us. His divine power gives us all we need for living the godly life He called us to lead. He allows us to share in his divine nature. But it is up to us to apply what He makes available to us to our lives. By God’s grace, we are where we are. And by His grace, we can walk that life of moral excellence. We can step forth each day in faith knowing it is His nature that works in us. As we do we grow in our faith and in our knowledge of Him. ~

Friday, April 02, 2021

His Nature In Us

Where is our focus? If it were truly on God then we would be praying without ceasing and getting to know Him more each day. As that relationship grows, so does our self-control. What happens is our focus on self is moved to a focus on Him. Then self-control is not an issue. With self-control wrapped up, we can endure and press on. We can press on to the goal and the goal is to know Him more. The goal is to not only know His nature but to have His nature in us. Having His nature makes us holy and godly. ~

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Top Of The List

As believers filled with the Holy Spirit, we have a desire within us to obey His voice. But we must be available to hear Him. We must not force that desire to the bottom of our things to do list each day. No, He should always be on top and never checked off. As we listen and obey, He will work through us with the same power that He used to raise Jesus from the dead doing what pleased Him through us. ~

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

True Obedience

When we reached out in faith and accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, a transaction took place. He heard us and came to live inside of us. We were baptized, immersed in the Holy Spirit. The Bible speaks of the evidence of that transaction. Is that evidence evident in our lives? Living in obedience to God is not about our living up to all the laws found in the Old Testament of the Bible. But as God leads us, as the Holy Spirit gives us direction, we are to listen and obey. That is true obedience. If we don't, how can we truly say that He is our Lord? ~

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Await His Direction

Each day we should awake anxiously awaiting His direction for the day. Our things-to-do list is a good starting point. We need to be ready to take action based on what we already know. That is a good thing. The key is being ready to change the plan based on what the Holy Spirit tells us as the day progresses. The key is in not avoiding the Holy Spirit because we don't want our plans messed up. Once we have started our lives in the Spirit, we must remain there. We must be willing to listen and obey. We must point our compass in the direction He leads us in. ~

Monday, March 29, 2021

Limitless Power

God's power is limitless. It is beyond anything we can imagine. As believers, we have the same power that raised Christ from the dead within us. Let's say that again. The power of God that was used to raise Jesus from the dead resides in each and every believer. As believers, our purpose is far more than we can imagine based on our worldly standards. God will accomplish more than we would ever dare to ask or hope through us if we just walk forth in faith and let Him. ~

Sunday, March 28, 2021

The World Molds Us

The world molds us into the image it wants us to be and most of us let it happen. And if everybody else is doing it, it must be the right thing to do. The world system works hard to change the way we think. By choice, we must turn from the world’s evil ways and let God transform us into His image. We must choose to want the mind of Christ. We must let Him change the way we think. As we do we truly can be a new person in the world and no longer the old person that was of the world. ~

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Let It Go

We already know the end result. We are believers and therefore our salvation is secure. What lies ahead is a deeper relationship with God. That is what we have to look forward to. It is in that deeper relationship that our future lies. So it is time to let go so we can move on. It is time to make a decision to let go of all that old baggage. It is time to leave it at the Cross and move forward. As Paul said, just forget the past and look forward to what lies ahead. ~

Friday, March 26, 2021

Baggage Gone

At the Cross, Jesus took all our baggage and dumped it. He took all our sins and all our stuff on Him. He turned us from filthy rags to pure priests. Now that we have become brothers and sisters of Christ, it is up to us to not make a practice of sinning. It is up to us to choose His way and not the evil way. We must listen to Holy Spirit as He guides us knowing that Christ holds us securely so satan can have no hold on us.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


Darkness is where we are when we are walking in the world with our eyes open. We are affected by the darkness we allow into our lives. Sometimes it is so powerful that we are blinded by it; we are swayed to believe it as truth and we are pulled away from the light; from God's way. Daily we have to choose what we allow in and what we keep out. We choose how we react to others. We know how we should be; regardless of how we feel in this human shell. We have to choose to care about others whether or not we feel any affection towards them or not. When we reach out in Love; God will be right there to help us express His Love. ~

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Imperfections

Some of us who are believers now were on the other side of the law. They did whatever pleased them regardless of how it affected others. Right to them was whatever benefited them. Taxes were to be avoided by whatever scheme that worked. They might have gone to church also. Going to church has nothing to do with being a good person. It has to do with being in the right place. God called us all, good and bad. He looked past the imperfections that were so obvious to others. He knew us beyond them. He saw the potential in us and considered us trustworthy. He appointed each of us to serve Him. ~

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Right Choices

The Apostle Paul tells us we should pray without ceasing. The fact is we live in this world and we are tempted daily to be of this world. We need Holy Spirit’s guidance in each and every step we take. We must make the right choices all day every day. Our relationship with Him must be 24/7 and not just 2 hours or less on a Sunday. ~

Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Puzzle

Have you ever put together a puzzle? Each piece is unique. Each has a place to fit. We are like that puzzle and there is one piece left to fit in. And no matter how hard we try to push and squeeze, there is only one piece that fits. That void can only be filled with His Love. Once you have it, the emptiness goes. The last piece fits into the puzzle of your life and you are completed. There is no more need for things to make you happy. There is no more need for an exotic car or vacation. No more are you living to accumulate wealth. With Him, you will never be empty-handed again. ~

Friday, March 19, 2021


How often do we make promises to other believers and not follow through with them? If we give our word, we should never fall short of fulfilling our promise. But we do. So often we say what others want to hear. We promise to be there for them anytime; day or night. Then we turn the phone off when we sleep. Empty promises? What about God? He never turns off His phone or lets the answering machine take the call. No, He says what He means and means what He says. His promises are yes, and Amen. ~

Thursday, March 18, 2021


Sometimes we get to church and are so fired up with what we want God to do, we do all the talking. We don't go there for our words; we go for His Word. Others don't want to hear us either. They want to feel and hear from Him. They want the Holy Spirit to flow and do what God wants. So we need to watch our mouths. We need to stop talking so we can get what God has for us to get. We need to let Him speak. After all, He is the source of all knowledge. Communication is two-way and through it, relationships can occur. Let's take our time with Him two ways so we too can develop a strong relationship with God. ~

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

We Are All Equal

I believe God wants us to eliminate false superiority between us. The bank president and rubbish collector and school teacher and file clerk and single mother and Pastor and maintenance man; we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. We are all equal. Our status in society has nothing to do with our relationship with Him. We all have an equal opportunity to have the same relationship with Him. He awaits it expectantly. It is up to us to initiate and pursue it and even that takes humility on our part.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Look To The One

In the church, we have to be careful that we look to that one lost sheep instead of focusing always on the many. The many may pay the bills, but that is not where God is looking. He wants us to pay attention to the needs of all and have compassion for them. If one is lost, we need to find them and care of them. Each and every one of His children is important. Each and every one deserves all His attention and ours, as He leads us. ~

Monday, March 15, 2021

Be An Example

We need to love the new believer and let Jesus’ light shine through us. We need to allow them to be instructed and guided by their spiritual parents; those that they look to for direction at the beginning of their walk. It is good to be excited for our new brother or sister in Christ; the new believer. What we need to be is an example to them of His love, and welcome them on His behalf. ~

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Pattern Your Life

We should be a good example for others to follow in all we do. It is time to stop separating our church activities and the world around us. We live in the world and they should see the believer in us. We are not to have a dark side in the world and be the light only at church. No, we are to be the light for others all day, every day. As we build on our relationship with God each day, He will guide us into being someone He would like to see others copy. Others will pattern their lives around He who we pattern ours around. ~

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Greater Works

In Mark 16 Jesus tells us to go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. That those that are saved and baptized by fire will lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Yet many of us are sitting back enjoying the fact that we no longer have to worry about our ultimate destination; sitting back waiting for His return. He gave us a task to accomplish. We are to go about our Father's business, just as He did when He walked this earth. We are to listen for His voice and feel the nudging of the Holy Spirit. Then we are to do what He tells us to do. When we step out in little faith acting on His words, we will accomplish even greater works. ~

Friday, March 12, 2021

Ask For Wisdom

We are to be wise in all that we do, but that is about Godly wisdom. We are to ask Him for wisdom and when He gives it we are to use it. His Word is filled with wisdom waiting for us to assimilate and put into practice in our daily lives. But even with all the wisdom, we need another attribute. We need good judgment or discernment. If we cannot tell right from wrong or good from evil in a situation, what good is our wisdom? Each day let's ask Him for wisdom in all that we are to do that day and for the good judgment to know how to apply it. ~

Thursday, March 11, 2021

The Compass

We are all born into this world with a compass that points to God. But the pull of evil is so strong in the world that we forget it is there. And yet, we all need Him. So don't wait for others to come to church and wonder why it is only the sick that show up. Go out into the world, into the marketplace, and let His love shine out. Be that magnet that causes their compass to point to God. ~

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


By making a blatant statement regarding what we believe in are we piquing the curiosity of the non-believers or are we just reaching out to other believers? believe we are called to infiltrate the dark places of this world; we are on a covert mission to seek out those that God is ready to touch. We are to let His light shine through us, not blink "Jesus" on a well intentioned baseball cap. We are to be sheep among wolves. We are to walk with discernment through the enemy's camp always listening for the Father's voice. ~

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

He Guides Us

Being a Christian divides us from others in the world. It can also divide us from family and friends. We cannot have one foot in our old ways, our old life, and the other foot with Him. It is one way or the other. It is both feet first or not at all. How hard this is for many. The sword cuts deep sometimes even within our own family. God must come first in all that we do. We must have our priorities in order. We must be careful that we do not fall to the voices of men trying to pull us here and there. As we listen for His voice, He will guide us into all Truth. ~

Monday, March 08, 2021

He Is Not Unfair

When we took that step of faith and reached out for Jesus’ hand and believed, we were saved. At that instant, we became born again. Our sins, past, present, and future, were washed away and we started our new life in Christ with a clean slate. At that moment we were given the opportunity to begin our salvation journey. Even though we all continue to fall short, He continues to give us His grace and unconditional love. As we realize our mistakes and thank Him for His forgiveness, He continues to show us His unconditional love. God is not unfair. He sees our good works and has already forgiven our transgressions. ~

Sunday, March 07, 2021

New Person

When we turn our life over to Jesus; when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, we become a new person. But it is so hard to give up that old life and those old friends and the things we did together. Unlike switching jobs, we are changing from the inside out while we remain at the same job with the same people. We are not transported to a new place. No, we have to become a new person while remaining at the same place here on earth. That is how others can be touched. That is how our life was changed and how we can reach out and be that light in a dark place. Our actions propel others either to or from Him. Let's make today the day that our light shines brightly. ~