Saturday, September 21, 2019

Get The Log Out

Matthew 7:5 
You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.

When you walk into a church and immediately start to judge the type of people that are there it is time to look in the mirror. Get the log out of your own eye. Who are we to judge anyone? It is time to start looking at who we are in Christ. Or maybe even if we are in Christ.

When I was growing up the Holy Spirit was hardly ever mentioned. Sure we heard references to Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. But never a mention of the comforter or being born again.

We went to church faithfully and tried to be a good person following all the rules. We even had “Sunday go to meeting” clothes. We tried to keep Sunday holy and to be “good” for the rest of the week.

Some of my friends went to churches that had lots of rules and traditions. They had to go to “confession” and memorize prayers to dead people m. They were religious and I did not understand.

What a difference it is to be born again and have Holy Spirit living in me. I am in Christ and He is in me. I have a relationship with He who created everything!

And yet I still find myself looking at others and judging them or what they do as though I was the better than them. I am not.

Father God sees me through the eyes of Jesus. He sees me righteous and does not see my sin. He does not see me judging. But when I do the enemy sees me and makes it a point to agree with me. My mind goes the way of the world and I want to tell those I am judging all that is wrong with them.

The more we lean to the enemy and to our own understanding the further we are from God. In His grace, we only have to turn away from the wiles of the enemy and turn to Him. He promised He would never leave us or forsake us. He is always there ready to take our hand and lead us to the promised land.

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