There's many a thought about what it means to have a revival. Quite often a church will hold one once a year and invite outside ministers to preach for a series of days. I guess the whole idea is to restart the fires in each believer. Get them excited once again about their new life in Christ. And when the revival is over hopefully many of them continue on in their claimed relationship with Jesus. Perhaps even some newcomers who would attend the services might become saved or at least churched once again.
We each have the Holy Spirit in us, if we are born again believers. And we are that, if we believe Jesus is the son of God who came to earth as a human, died on the cross, and was resurrected to life. As Jesus told his disciples, the only work there is is just to believe in he who the father sent. (John 6:29) So we believe in Jesus and he sends the Holy Spirit, his spirit to reside in us.
So there's no way we can get another Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 5:5) He is already in us and yet many keep him hidden. Many operate out of their soul and their mind, never having been awakened to the fact that we have a whole spirit life to live.
So revival to me is reviving our spirit life. It is letting the dead stay dead. When we received Jesus we received our new life. Our old life is dead and yet we still want to walk in it. (Colossians 3:3) And as we walk in our old life, our old ways of doing things, the ways of the world, we are not allowing our spirit to live. So I guess revival is really reviving the spirit who is in us and allowing him to lead us in all that we do.
This doesn't take a special preacher or special music or special prayer. It takes us practicing the presence of He who is in us. It is letting go of this old earthly life, these old memories, these old habits, these old traditions, and moving in the direction Holy Spirit leads.
Thank you Father God for sending the Holy Spirit to live in me. Thank you for the spirit of Christ being alive in me and leading me in all that I do and all that I think. Thank you for helping me let go of the old, for renewing my mind by the word of God so that I can walk on the path you have for me to walk for the rest of my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.