Monday, November 23, 2015


Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

We grow up learning to set goals for the future, for how we are going to earn a living and live our life. Questions we ask ourselves may include things like what do we want to do when we grow up, what college are we planning for, who are we going to marry and spend our life with, how many children are we going to have, and more.

Where do our answers come from? They come from our parents, our friends, our teachers. They come from our own dreams and desires, perhaps even birthed from a movie we watched, a book we read, or a person whose life and vocation we look up to.

In the end our desires are of this world and of our own imagination. And yet God's word tells us that we are not to lean to our own understanding, but to rely on Him through Holy Spirit to point us in the direction He has for us to take.

Often God's path for us is not the same as our own dreams or desires. As mentioned above, they can be motivated by the circumstances around us and driven by our own understating and even by the desires of those close to us.

We must lean on God and look to where He is pointing us. I am always praying for HIm to make a way for HIS desires to come through me. And for me to recognize them.

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