Proverbs 19:20-21 NLT
Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life. You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail.
We learn from others in this earthly life. Our parents teach us by how they live their life as we grow up. The school system gives us the tools we need to read, write, and do arithmetic and more. Now we want all children to attend a college or other higher level of worldly education; more instruction.
Everyone gives us advice and we usually do not have to ask for it. They give it anyway. And it is our choice to act on the advice or not.
Okay, that is worldly instruction. That has nothing to do with our spiritual needs. We may get religious instruction at the church our parents brought us to every week. And many never get even that. But religion is not about relationship with our Father God. It is more about the rules our religion has us follow to be a good person, to be who they say God wants us to be.
All this instruction allows us to create a path for our life. I remember that old adage that says "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail." And from a worldly point of view this is true.
But we cannot avoid God. This Proverb is telling me that however well I make my own plans based on the instructions and advice I have been given, God wins. If He has another way for me to go, another purpose for me, I will eventually find it and fulfill it.
"Father God, open my eyes to the plan you have for my life. Enlighten me so my path is your chosen path. It is Your will I want to do. In Jesus name I pray."
Monday, October 20, 2014
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