Monday, May 05, 2014


Proverb 16:9 (NIV)
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the lord establishes their steps.

Plan, plan, plan. We grow learning that the only way to success is to make a goal, make a plan, and then carry out the plan. It is all about our own understanding and working the plan, our plan.

And this works well to propel us forward in this world system we have grown up in. Some actually follow the steps and make it big. Most never get around to it; never get past wishful thinking. Then a few just seem to be successful no matter how much stuff gets in the way, plan or no plan.

Humans planning their course and executing that plan on their own has nothing to do with whether they are believers or not. Anyone can follow the steps. Anyone can reach their goal if they stick with it. Just think about the young children that train for the Olympics since they were a few years old and go on and years later come home with gold medals.

It is when we let the Lord establish our steps that we not only succeed, but we reach the goal He has for us. It is His plan for us that is of primary importance, not our plan. As believers the Holy Spirit speaks to us and helps us form the plans. And then He guides our steps daily to obtain the gold medal on our way to eternity with Him.

"Father God, show me the plan for the rest of my life. Reveal it to me. Holy Spirit, teach me, encourage me, and guide me each day. Order my steps. Let all that I do glorify You. In Jesus name I pray."

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